Tuesday, February 23, 2021

23.02.21 - Vai dar pano pra manga


Hope all well 'n that. In between recording and editing sessions we've been frantically getting Gabi's course ready for pre-sale, which kicked off last night with an official start date of March 1st, so it'll be interesting to see how that progresses. 

On Saturday I met up with my old bandmates for our first jam in over two years (albeit with a slightly different line-up, as our old bassist and keyboardist have retired) which was fun and surprisingly coherent - we even played a song from the '90s, which is about as modern as it gets with those guys (and one by Peter f***ing Frampton, but let's never speak of that again). I also forgot to mention that I was offered a role in a Bee Gees cover band earlier in the month, but turned it down as I only know about 3 of their songs.

We also went out for dinner down the road with some friends, which featured a guy wandering around serenading people with a glow-in-the-dark saxophone. Between all that and the weekly football last night, it's been an eerily pandemic-free weekend, not that the vaccine-related news is any grounds for confidence (neither is Brazil's vaccination mascot, for that matter).

Then there's this week's mixtape, and phrase of the day ("vai dar pano pra manga" / "it's going to give cloth for sleeves"), which is spoken of hot topics which look likely to inspire debate for the foreseeable future ("manga", of course, means "mango" as well as "sleeve", which confuses matters somewhat).

Think that's about it.
He Fred She Fred

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