Tuesday, September 25, 2018

25.09.18 - Dar uma de cachorro magro


Spring has finally sprung and the brutal 20 degree winds of winter have subsided, so the city has ground to a halt as everyone takes to the streets.  We went to Michelle's Harry Potter themed birthday do on Saturday night, then back to the Zona Leste the next day to pick up Gaby's purse from a kindly Uber driver, followed by a trip to the hospital to see Gaby's grandpa, who has had a bout of pneumonia but is out and about now.

I've made not one but two new compilations, and the phrase of the week ("to act like a thin dog") applies to those who turn up to someone's house, eat and leave immediately afterwards, which is of course something of a social faux pas (unless you're a thin dog, obviously). Do let me know how you're getting on with your e-books and modelling gigs, and otherwise we'll speak sooooon.

Lots of love,

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

18.09.18 - Não cutuca a onça com vara curta


All well witchu? It's rainy and cold here, most unSeptemberlike and not at all conducive to blog-friendly capers, I'm afraid.  Just a trip to the ever-excellent Speranza pizzeria on Saturday to see Ridaut's pilot mate Jean-Luc on a stopover in SP, and a footy-and-bar one-two on Thursday after twelve straight hours of app-making.

On the other hand, we've made good headway on our big jigsaw, wedding plans, Bojack Horseman and this week's compilation, while today's phrase is a particular favourite: "don't poke the leopard with a short broom", or make matters worse through provocation. I believe "don't poke the bear" or "don't kick the hornet's nest" are the nearest equivalents.

Speak soon!
The Demon Fredmaster

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

11.09.18- Gente como a gente


Lovely to chat the other day - as I mentioned we drove to Santos at the weekend to see a bit of sea and eat our body weight in prawns, passing such attractions as Ilha Porchat with its amazing views of the town and the Pele Museum, before unwinding over a Harry Potter jigsaw on Sunday. Last week also saw the return of Thursday Night Football, which was all fun and games until everyone ended up winded or injured due to lack of practice.

This week we're mainly scouting for wedding suppliers (my boss is coming now, so we've got to up our game), finalising a trip across state lines to Ilha Grande next month, and still attempting to build our new digital empire from scratch at work, which is getting more hectic by the day. 

I've made a mixtape, and my phrase of the week ("folk like us") is usually applied to celebrities who act like regular salt-of-the-earth Brazilians - I can't think of any examples off the top of my head, but it's quite a common hashtag round these parts.

That will be all,
Fred & Breakfast

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

04.09.18 - Braço curto

Oy oy, how's your father, etc,

This weekend we travelled to São Roque - and a very cool hotel on a hacienda full of abandoned barns, slumbering dogs and hot-tubs in glass pyramids - for the wedding of one of Gaby's friends. 

It was actually a double wedding, which was a bit of a novelty, on another huge tract of land up a mountain, complete with vintage cars and a VW that doubled as a photobooth.  On the way back we stopped in "wine country" for a snoop round the vineyards and some of the region's famous artichokes. And most amusing it was too...

We also went out for a pizza on Friday night for Adny's birthday, and I had a new review published yesterday, for those of you keeping tabs. I have a new compilation up, and my phrase of the week ("short-arm") refers to people who simply can't be bothered to work, such as yesterday's US Labor Day-ers, or Bertrand Russell.

Speak soon,
Fred Fred Wine