Tuesday, July 26, 2016

26.07.16 - Não julgue o livro pela capa

'Sup y'all,

Not much to report these past few days, what with work rearing its ugly head once more, although on Saturday I dropped by a studio in uptown Moema for an inaugural musician's hang-out, hosted by Bob of Garrafas open-mic-night fame; among the endless jamming and Gaby's first (and probably last) metal concert in one of the practice rooms, I made a few contacts and we're heading back to the regular open-mic tomorrow night, to rub elbows with the SP musical elite once again. So that was fun.

Then on Sunday, Gaby amazingly agreed to join me on a bona fide hike through the great outdoors, albeit a very light, paved incline up to the top of the Horto Florestal. There, we sat on the big rock overlooking the city (imaginatively called Pedra Grande, or "the Big Rock"), sunbathed, had a mini-picnic and made our way back down for comfort food and some serious flopping about.

My phrase of the week means "don't judge a book by its cover" - what can I say, I can't give you gold every week... Hope you're having fun on your travels and let's speak soon!

PS: I've uploaded some videos to Youtube from my first-ever appearance at Garrafas last month, should you be so inclined: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiYcDnjLqjGrpO7ruvqYitg/videos?view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=0

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

19.07.16 - Coração peludo

Ahoy hoy,

Good to hear from you post-Nice; hope you're all hanging in there and looking forward to your respective holidays. We had ours last week, taking off to remote Monte Verde for a few days on a whim - mainly to put some distance between ourselves and a constantly yapping dog from our neighbourhood. And very quaint and peaceful it was too: having urged the car up an almost-vertical dirt track, we settled in to a chalet complete with en-suite jacuzzi, fireplace, breakfast in bed and mountain view, napping almost immediately. 

During our many ventures into town - basically one main street crammed with fondue restaurants, stray horses, lesser-spotted Brazilian squirrels, wineries, cheeseries, clothes shops and Swiss architecture - we sampled the local apfelstrudel and raspberry ice cream, checked out the eerily empty ice rink, listened in on the dozens of cover bands playing in restaurants and bars night and day (presumably until they pay their debt to society), stopped by the chocolate factory for some "primulas" (basically fancy pão de mel with dulce de leche filling), and ate pea soup from a hollowed out loaf of bread in a tavern full of local brews. A particular source of amusement were the couples who had arrived in the mountains determined to sport their finest woolen winter-wear, despite temperatures remaining stubbornly in the mid-20s.

On the second day there we took in a hungry cat that stayed the night with us; we were thinking of bringing it back to São Paulo for adoption, until it was scared into hiding by someone throwing stones and we had no choice but to leave it behind, to much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Otherwise Monte Verde was a sunny, dog-and-child-free haven of fondue and fun, which I would heartily recommend (although when we go back I want a go on the zipwire...).

Since then we've been to the in-laws for Brazilian-style raclette - substituting potatoes for MEAT, which I'm all for - and checked out a highly posh café in the Zona Sul, complete with high tea and scones (actually they were out of scones, but still...); both of which would have been headline blog news any other entry, but 'twas no ordinary week. I've also started what will probably turn out to be a very ordinary week back at work, but there are open mics and other such happenings afoot, so stay tuned!

My phrase of the week literally means "furry heart", an almost affectionate way of referring to nasty, spiteful people (or just anyone who woke up on the wrong side of bed). I liked the image, and have included a Super Furry Animals song on this week's compilation accordingly. 

Speak soon!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

12.07.16 - Onde é que fui amarrar o meu burro?!


Hope all well wit y'all. I've only gone and got the week off, so Gaby and I have booked a last-minute jaunt to Monte Verde - famed mountain getaway for city-weary Paulistanos who want to experience cold - starting today; will let you know how we get on. I'm told there will be fondue, squirrels and apfelstrudel, though not necessarily in that order.

In the meantime, I've been wandering around town in my own inimitably lopsided way; so far I've checked out Liberdade (the Chinatown of São Paulo, complete with pagoda shopfronts and a rather sorry-looking koi carp pond) and the Cultural Centre, which was mostly closed on a Monday morning, but looks promising at first glance. 

On Friday we went to a local all-you-can-eat soup buffet - a soup kitchen, if you will - to try on silly hats (pictured), and on Saturday one of Gaby's friends had a birthday party at an altogether more upmarket bar down south, complete with Twist-and-Shouting covers band and cage-fighting on TV, for some reason. Then on Sunday I made a huge cake and we settled in to watch France lose to Portugal as St. Denis was engulfed in a plague of moths, but the less said about that the better...

My phrase of the week - "where have I gone and tied my donkey!?" is, if I recall correctly, the first one I was ever taught upon visiting Brazil, and basically means "what have I got myself into?". It seemed appropriate at the time... I also bestow another compilation on you, whether you want me to or not.

Right, off to the hills. Speak to you soon!
Take a Sad Song and Make it Fredder

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

05.07.16 - Buchada de bode

Bom dia,

Hope all well in la belle France; work continues merrily on here, as Kazakhstan romped to a 138-55 victory over Thailand in the UNSC second round (nice to be on the winning side of an election for a change), followed by Wales marching on into the Euro 2016 semi-finals on Friday.

On Thursday we had our evening kickabout and went to the usual grotty bar for post-match meat and beer, only for the owner to serve up some choice Wagyu beef that he had improbably got his hands on. During the ensuing meat-based conversation, I learnt that the Brazilian Northeast has a regional equivalent to haggis (i.e. low-grade meat mashed up into a stomach), called "buchada de bode" - "bode" meaning "goat" and also "Satan", apparently.

Continuing the general eating theme, on Saturday we went to Carla's birthday do at a bar down the road, which involved free cake and caipirinhas, and on Sunday we went en famille to the weird 80's-themed fondue restaurant in the hills that I went to for my birthday, for an all-you-can-eat pasta buffet set to a yacht-rock soundtrack, before heading home to flop about.

Oh, and Gaby bought a cat cushion. Another compilation too.

That is all; speak soon!