Tuesday, July 25, 2023

25.07.23 - Puxa saco


Hope all well, that you enjoyed the tree retreat and that the UK odyssey is drawing to a close! 

Over here we effectively took the weekend off to flop about and pack, bar a trip to a lovely street in central São Paulo filled with Italian restaurants for Sunday lunch. Plus tonight I've parlayed a free* dinner for myself and Gabi at a local pizzeria, which is as close as I've got to my reviewing heyday since I moved here, excitingly enough. 

Otherwise I've slapped together a new compilation, and my phrase of the day, meaning "bag-pusher", refers to suck-ups and sycophants of all kinds. Doesn't bear thinking about what the "bag" refers to in this instance...

That's all for now... See you soon!

* in exchange for exposure on Instagram

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

18.07.23 - Mirar no cobre e acertar o ouro


Hope all well!

We've had the in-laws round for an extended stay and hosted Gaby's nephew's second birthday party in the building's playroom on Saturday night, which was rather fun, although Berry got so stressed out with the comings and goings that we had to take her to the vet the next day for some shots and an ultrasound, which was less fun. 

Elsewhere I've made another compilation, and my phrase of the week means "to aim for copper and strike gold", or to get more than you'd bargained for, in a good way.

'Til next time!

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

11.07.23 - Forçar a barra


Hope all well and that you had a nice trip out west, in spite of the sad news from back in Antibes. 

We're increasingly excited about our impending Eurotrip, and over our respective bouts of lurgee, plus on Friday we were invited to an Alice in Wonderland-themed evening of amateur dramatics and tea-themed drinks, which marks a significant step forward in my influencer career. I've also signed up to rep a start-up nu-bank in exchange for shares, so let's see how that goes, I suppose.

I've made another compilation, and a days-of-the-week mix for Instagram; and my phrase of the week, "to force the bar", means to overstep one's boundaries in a pushy way...

And that's about it for now! Lots of love and speak soon x
Fred Fire

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

04.07.23 - Cair nos braços de Morfeu


Hope all well! 

We've been struck down by a particularly virulent case of the lurgee this week but are recovering now, and managed to fit a trip to the countryside in to see the in-laws and cats, and binge-watch "Is It Cake?" on Netflix. We've also effectively wrapped up the logistics for our Eurotrip which we're all very excited about, and I should be publishing my ebook this week if all goes well, so fingers crossed!

In other news, I've made another compilation, and my phrase of the day comes from a subtitle I saw over the weekend - "hit the hay" was translated as "fall into the arms of Morpheus" (the god of sleep and dreams, presumably, not the Matrix character), which seemed a lot more overwrought than necessary, but pretty cool nonetheless.

'Til the next time!
You've Got a Fred in Me