Tuesday, August 29, 2023

29.08.23 - Passar a lábia


Hope all well. 

I write to you from cold and drizzly São Paulo, where we're somehow expected to go about our lives as usual until the sun comes out again. And go about our lives we did, including a gender reveal party for Taynah's second baby (culminating in a blue shark defeating a pink shark in hand to hand combat), and the planning stages for another ebook about traveling to Europe. 

In other news, I've done another mixtape, and my phrase of the day means to "pass the lip", or use the gift of the gab to win people over to whatever sordid scheme you're trying to sell them. And that's aboot it for the noo!

Speak soon x
Fred Lasso

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

22.08.23 - Babando ovo


Hope all well! How was the hiking?

We're back in Brazil and back to work after an enjoyable jaunt around Europe, and a relaxing 3 days doing absolutely nothing except laundry, and battling a creeping mould infestation. We were also invited to a "Dining in the Dark" evening with blindfolds and suchlike, which was another free meal for the books.

I've made a new compilation, and my phrase of the day means "drooling egg", and applies to suck-ups, sycophants and the like. And that's about it - speak soon!