Tuesday, April 26, 2022

26.04.22 - Azedou o pé do frango


Hope all well, good to see you together in Beccles briefly, under blue skies (!). 

Things have calmed down here, to the extent that we actually had a whole weekend off to laze around at home and watch programmes called things like "Is It Cake?". We eventually got bored and went to Campinas for ice cream, with our child neighbour in tow screaming and bouncing off the car walls the whole time, but on the whole we are relaxed, reinvigorated and ready to face the week. 

In other news, apparently this weekend was Carnaval, since it was postponed from February until the whole pandemic thing died down. There's a new compilation in the pipeline, and my phrase of the day translates as "the chicken's foot has gone sour", which is a rather vivid way of saying that "things have gone south". So there's that.

Speak soon,

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

19.04.22 - Mais antigo do que andar pra frente


How's tricks folks? Hope you had a lovely Easter weekend. 

Ours was a bit frantic if I'm honest, as Adny and Ridaut moved into their new flat just before the long weekend, only to find it had an unidentified gas leak and was basically uninhabitable. This meant they had to temporarily camp out here, and also temporarily swore off living in Indaiatuba altogether, which in turn threw a major wrench into our immediate plans, leading to plenty of back-of-napkin maths and talk of emergency loans, etc. 

We also went to São Paulo on Saturday to check in on the flat., which seems to be under control at least. Luckily the gas problem seems to have been sorted out now, so we can go ahead with the earlier plan of us living rent-free in the SP flat long enough to make our money back. But it was touch and go for a while! 

In other news, there's a new compilation in town, and my phrase of the day means "[it's] as old as walking forwards", or "as old as time", as the saying goes in English. 

Have a good week, and speak soon!

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

12.04.22 - Só o pó da rabiola


Hope all well as we move into April. 

Not much going on over here outside the steady torrent of work and housing-related issues - we managed to get away for an ice cream in Campinas on Saturday but that's about it. The building work seems to be well underway though, and Adny and Ridaut are moving into a new flat this week, so that's one less thing to worry about.

We are, as they say, "só o pó da rabiola" ("just the tail of the kite" or, in the common parlance, "knackered"), but it should all be worthwhile in the end. And word on the street is there's a new compilation to tide us all over...

Speak soon!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

05.04.22 - O mundo é um ovo


Hope you are all keeping well, had nice birthdays, warded off the snow, etc. 

Over here we've been working away on our projects, including a trip to São Paulo for the first time in a while to check in our building site (and deliver 50 bags of sand) and have an indoor barbeque using Bruna's swish kitchen top grill, which was as thrilling as it sounds. I also stopped by the Sherlock office to show my face and join in the post-work happy hour...

I've made a new compilation and my phrase of the day means "the world is an egg", which is the local version of "it's a small world", as far as I can understand. And that's about it from us - have a good week and speak to you soon!

A Fred of the Dark