Tuesday, April 25, 2017

25.04.17 - Quem não tem cão caça com gato


Got yer card, and Bowie mask, so many thanks for that - I will wear it proudly at my impending birthday BBQ bash, even though it will probably confuse many of the guests and I've already frightened Gaby by creeping up behind her wearing a "scary clown mask".

After a brief Easter break I'm back to work now, as much as is possible with a boss on the lam in Central America, and I've enlisted in a crash course in physiotherapy after I sneezed unexpectedly and spent the rest of the day in rib-based agony - they hook me up to an electric hot water bottle on a daily basis and I feel better already, but the fact that I'm in the last week of my twenties, and on the threshold of official old age, is definitely not lost on me.

On Saturday we met up with an old friend from the International Hall days, who has bagged himself a Brazilian girlfriend (also called Gabi) and was on his way back from a month-long meet-the family culinary tour of Minas Gerais, which was most fun and involved jabuticaba caipirinhas, among other things. Then on Sunday we met some of Gaby's family who were in town from Ridaut's hometown of Lins and elsewhere, and there was much rejoicing.

Otherwise we've been planning for my party - fretting about the ever-increasing guestlist, delegating most of the actual cooking and serving to a team of professionals, and going to a massive bulk-buy hypermarket by a motorway to stock up on supplies. Should be a blast!

I got carried away and made two compilations (two), and today's amusing phrase of the week translates as "he who has no dog, hunts with a cat", i.e. "make do with what you've got", or (keeping it feline) "there's more than one way to skin a cat". Obviously coined by someone who doesn't know a thing about cats - god forbid if I had to rely on any of ours to hunt for me...

Speak soon,
Fred Velvet

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

18.04.17 - Álcool, talco e água velva


Hope all well.  My boss is on his boat and rather predictably wrote the whole of last week off, but then the whole country basically shut down for Easter, so not a great deal happened despite the reprieve from work.  Highlights included a Sunday stroll around the Horto, a rare swim and a massive rabbit chocolate cake from Gaby's grandma.

To conclude:
  • a saying: we'll have to take Ridaut's word for this, but apparently in the olden days people would go to the barbers and ask for a haircut and a shave with "álcool, talco e água velva": alcohol (as a disinfectant? or just to have a good time...), talcum powder and aftershave.  This sounds funnier with a strong provincial accent, trust me.  Nowadays, to the extent that anyone uses the saying at all, it stands in for "the whole nine yards", "the whole kit and caboodle" and other expressions which one doesn't really hear anymore...
  • blog, about one grad student's quest to teach a neural network to cook, with hilarious consequences;
  • and a joke: I made an online payment to my local Catholic church the other day, but it didn't go through properly.  So much for PayPal infallibility...
Ciao for now,

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

11.04.17 - 茶の心がないなら、彼は、真理と美のわからない人だ

Greetings and indeed salutations,

Not much to report this week from ye olde Brazile - I have made my comeback at the footy, aching ribs be damned, and scored a few to boot; we had the in-laws over at the weekend to make pasta from scratch and put up more wallpaper; and my boss has gone off on a cruise around the Adriatic so there's not much happening on that front.

In the meantime I've made another compilation for your listening delight, and am taking a break from the usual weekly Brazilian phrase to bring you an awesome Japanese proverb I came across, meaning "A man without tea in him is incapable of understanding truth and beauty". My bulk shipment from St. Denis finally ran out this week so I'm about to test its veracity...

A plus, Superbus
Our Daily Fred

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

04.04.17 - Não vou deixar barato

Halloooo! Glad to hear of your péripéties, change of status to legal resident, open studios etc.

A low-key week here, as we recover from our various ailments and make incremental improvements to the new flat.  Bill was round a few times to do various odd jobs beyond the skillset of us layabout millennial snowflakes (laying tiles, hanging guitars on the wall, sewing on buttons, etc), and on Saturday we had our début dinner party, with Giorgio, Beth and Carla coming round for mounds of sweet 'n sour chicken (we really need to learn a new dish) and gossip about their big fat Greek wedding in June. No futurist leitmotifs or multisensory overloads, but baby steps and all that...

I bring you fresh beats! And a phrase of the day that means "I won't let it lie", which you can practice saying in a defiant manner in the mirror, should the mood take you. I also recommend the short stories of David Sedaris, which are funny... but also make you think.

Skype soon!