Tuesday, December 25, 2018

25.12.18 - Feliz Natal!

Merry Chreeeestmas one and all!  Lovely to chat earlier.

Last night we went for a Christmas Eve knees-up at Bill and Patricia's building in São Caetano, with their sizeable extended family and all sorts of Christmas eats and song. We made a load of pavê from scratch the night before, which is essentially Brazilian trifle, and it went down a treat.  Today we had Gaby's parents and grandparents round for a makeshift Xmas feast, Fantasia and Wallace & Gromit on the big screen.

Prior to that we'd knocked off after a particularly hectic week at work, I jumped in the pool, and on Saturday we went to meet some potential wedding bar suppliers, and signed on the dotted line having been plied with more drinks than we knew what to do with (don't worry though, we didn't regret it once we'd sobered up, the drinks really were very nice and fairly reasonably-priced).  So that's one of the perks of planning a wedding, I suppose.

This week we're off to Ilhabela for our customary end-of-year spell of flopping about, which should be nice. Will let you know how we get on.  And I've made a compilation including some spare Xmas songs I had lying around from last week (but which is otherwise quite loud and angsty). 

Good King Fredceslas

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

18.12.18 - O Homem Macaco


Hope all well down in Antibes. We're winding down for the holidays over here, as temperatures soar higher and the pool becomes ever more appealing. We've been socializing a fair bit over the weekend, mainly to invite various folks to be our respective groomsmen and bridesmaids, so far with a 100% acceptance rate!

On Saturday we went to Taynah's circus show, this time in an actual circus which was rather impressive - lots of people swinging from the rafters, etc - but also unbearably hot and sweaty under the big top at midday, so we didn't last long.  And we didn't make it to Ridaut's big homecoming gig out of town in Lins, but we're planning a trip there in the new year.

My phrase of the day is less of a phrase and more of a mad song inexplicably screeched over a YouTube compilation of monkey attacks.  It speaks of an evil monkey man, without a soul or a heart, coming to kill you - which I think we can all relate to.  We've had it in our heads pretty relentlessly all week, and now you can too!  

And finally, I've made a new compilation, and another, mercifully short Christmas-themed playlist for all your holidays needs.

Speak soon!
The Freds of Fate

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

11.12.18 - Que que tem a ver o cu com as calças?


Lovely to see you all over the weekend - I've now arrived back in SP, have unpacked and am hard at work and trying not to fall asleep.  You basically know what I got up to over the past week, but for the benefit of our blog visitors: work meeting good, trip to France better, lots of nephew action and a day-trip to Nice that involved mountains of socca and windswept pigeons.

I gone done made another mixtape, and my phrase of the week means "what does the arse have to do with the trousers?", or "what does one thing have to do with the other?". A sort of "mosquito/mosque" situation.

That will be all, great to see you however briefly, and speak soon!
Freddy Pendergrass

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

04.12.18 - Deus ajuda quem cedo madruga

I write to you from my amusingly massive room at Cliveden House, after a relatively straightforward trip across the pond and just prior to the Big WorldPR Get-Together 2018.  Since I've arrived I've had a walk round the grounds, a mince pie and a bath - so far so good.

This past week was mostly spent preparing for my travels, although we found time on Saturday for a quick trip to Liberdade, São Paulo's Little Japan, for a massive bowl of noodles from the market and some kind of umbrella parade (unsure).  And I just missed out on the big event of the week - a show by renowned sertanejo duo Chitãozinho & Xororó, which Ridaut somehow got backstage passes for - as I had to get to the airport, but it looks like fun was had by all.

I've made a compilation, and my phrase of the day is the Brazilian equivalent of "the early bird catches the worm", but with extra God and rhyming. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Ciao for now,