Tuesday, June 27, 2023

27.06.23 - Fingindo-se de leitão pra mamar deitado


Hope all well. It's the end of the Festa Junina season and we've been making the most of it with multiple birthday parties at the weekend, and an office party on Thursday, not to mention my upcoming ebook launch, Eurotrip, keeping up with the Glastonbury coverage and plenty of regular work too. 

Amongst all that I've made not one but two compilations, plus one for the 'Gram, and my rather vivid phrase of the week means "pretending to be a piglet to suckle lying down", and applies to anyone faking a predicament to take advantage of a situation. 

And that's aboot it for noo! Speak soon,

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

20.06.23 - A împăca şi capra şi varza


Hope all is well and Jub's ear has cleared up! 

This weekend Gaby flew to Goiania to teach a class at the uni's invitation, so I pottered around town trying out a multitude of cafés and hiked up to Pedra Grande ("Big Rock") for a view of the city. Then upon her return we went to a Festa Junina at a local church, with the usual mulled wine, bingo and fried food, which was rather fun.

In other news I've made a new compilation for your listening pleasure, and my phrase of the day is the Romanian version of "have your cake and eat it", which translates literally as "to reconcile the goat and the cabbage". And that's all she wrote!

Speak soon,

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

13.06.23 - Santo de casa não faz milagre


Hope all well! 

Gaby's been busy finishing an epic lesson plan which she's flying to Goiania to teach on Friday, so we had a relatively low-key weekend punctuated by a trip to a rather cool all-you-can-eat mini-hamburger restaurant, and are braced for a chilly week.

Elsewhere I've made a new compilation, and my phrase of the week means "a saint at home doesn't work miracles" - or in other words, when you're too deeply involved in a problem then sometimes you need an outsider's perspective to help sort it out (I think).

And that's about it! Speak soon,
Fred & Circuses

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

06.06.23 - Em terra de sapo a mosca não dá rasante


Hope all well. 

We're deep into festa junina (June party) territory but have had to forgo several invites as Gaby is finishing off a lesson plan she's going to give in Goiania later in the month. Instead, we nipped out to the movies and have been planning our upcoming European jaunt in further detail. 

In other news I've made two new playlists - one for the week and another for Instagram - and my phrase of the day means "in a land of frogs, flies don't fly low", i.e. don't take any unnecessary risks when you're in hostile terrain. 

And on that bombshell - speak soon!
Freddy Player One