Tuesday, January 29, 2019

29.01.19 - Se a carapuça serviu...


Hope all well!  This weekend Gabi was off at Taynah's hen do in Maresias, and apparently had a lovely time by the sea, so I was left to my own devices to wander around town.  

I went to the rather cool Japan House on the Avenida Paulista where they were having an exhibition on Architecture for Dogs (had to check it wasn't Wes Anderson's doing), then on to Vila Madalena for kaffekuchen.  I have also started a crash course in German on Duolingo, as you can probably tell from my assured use of the word kaffekuchen.

I've made another compilation to jam in yer earholes, and my phrase of the week is the equivalent of "if the shoe fits".  So if you make a crack and someone takes offence even though they weren't mentioned by name, you can turn around and go "well, if the executioner's cowl fits...".

That's all for the noo, speak soon!
Kentucky Fred Chicken

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

22.01.19 - Por a mão na massa

Yo yo,

Hope all well with you.  It's all go on the wedding front here, with time running out before I head off to Berlin, determined to eat out the moment I get there. On Friday we went to São Sebastião and back to check out the wedding venue with Bob the band-leader, his tech guy and the decorator, plus Gaby's parents.   

After a lovely lunch by the sea and a tour of Viela da Praia, we got hit by a tropical storm of epic proportions and almost didn't make it back up the mountain, but eventually staggered home to bed.  Anyway, now we've got a better idea of logistics and have updated our website, etc.  Probably won't try and do everything in one day again though.

Otherwise we've been out and about, to a wedding party for a friend of Gaby's on Saturday, and we watched the Marie Kondo tidying up show on Netflix which led to in a mass clear-out of Gaby's clothes, major restructuring of furniture etc (still ongoing).  I can also recommend the frankly insane documentary on Fyre Festival which they've just released.

In the meanwhile, I've gone done two impeccably-curated playlists, and my phrase of the week means "to put hands to dough", or to get stuck in / get your hands dirty.  

Over and out,
Fyre Fredstival

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

15.01.19 - Afogar o ganso


Hope all well witchu.  After a week off by the beach, work has consumed us all in a fiery blaze of early morning calls, wedding accounting and spreadsheets, so not much to report this week.  We did go to one of Gaby's friends on Friday night to hang out with their baby boy, which was rather fun.

I had another article published online underneath my giant face, made another compilation and discovered not one but two fantastic euphemisms for copulation: "afogar o ganso", which translates as "drowning the goose", and "balançar a roseira", which translates as "shaking the rosebush". 

So there's that.

Speak soon!
Fred Kelly

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

08.01.19 - Socorram-me, subi no ônibus em Marrocos


A quiet start to 2019, once we took in one more Ilhabela beach and spent about 7 hours trying to get across the sea and back to São Paulo...  I'm back to work, as is Gaby as of yesterday.  Returned to football extremely out of shape and somehow managed to score at will anyway.  Valente has a new box to destroy.  Very hot. Lots of washing. 

I've made a new compilation, and my phrase of the week is a palindrome which translates, non-palindromically, as "Help me, I have gotten on the bus in Morocco". Your extra reading material this week is this rather depressing article on millennials and their ways.

Speak soon!
Fred-a Kahlo

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

01.01.19 - Para de procurar cabelo em ovo

Hallloooooo, and might I add, Happy New Year!

We've been holed up in a rather nice chalet in Ilhabela since Thursday, having a proper holiday where our main daily concern is which beach to go to next and where to have lunch (and so far we've had lunch in the same place every day).  I've been having a grand old time shamelessly scoffing down cake at breakfast, flopping about in the sea and catching up on my reading.

Yesterday we switched things up a bit by hiking up to a series of waterfalls, each more grandiose and inaccessible than the last, and taking lots of pictures by the "infinity pool" on level 3. Then, after some last-ditch phoning around once we realised everything on our side of the island was going to shut down for New Years Eve, we rocked up to a rather swish club on the side of a cliff in a part of the island which we weren't even aware of, for a very fancy NYE dinner, pink champagne and fireworks at midnight.

We are nominally back to work tomorrow morning, although we won't be back in São Paulo until tomorrow night. Unless we just pack it in and decide to stay here, selling ice cream on the beach. In any case, hope 2019 is enriching and exciting for you all. Here's a compilation I made earlier, although I haven't personally listened to it because the WiFi isn't great here.  My phrase of the day is "stop looking for hair in eggs", or looking for problems where they don't exist.  A good tip for the new year, methinks!

Speak sooooon,