Monday, December 26, 2022

26.12.22 - Comprar gato por lebre


Hope all well! Sending this a little earlier than usual this week, since we're packing up the cats and hitting the road to Ilhabela first thing tomorrow morning, and I intend to stay off the computer as much as humanly possible. 

We had a lovely Christmas weekend, with Fernando, Simone and baby Heitor over for dinner on Friday, and Christmas Eve / most of Christmas Day in Indaiatuba, lazing by the pool and eating until we could eat no more. 

In other news, I've cobbled together a ragtag compilation during this barren stretch in the music industry's release schedule, and my phrase of the day means "to buy cat for hare", or "to get ripped off" - a reference to wartime butchers trying to pass off cat meat as rabbit.

Lots of love,
Fred over and out!

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

20.12.22 - Hoje só amanhã


Hope all well, and lovely to see you all together for the holiday season! 

It's been pretty hectic work-wise here, but hopefully things should start to wind down this week until January rears its ugly head. After an eventful World Cup final we hit the road to Indaiatuba for a brief detour to see the in-laws, and I had muted end-of-year drinks with the football lot and work on Thursday and Friday night, respectively. 

In other news I've made a new compilation, and my phrase of the week - "today only tomorrow" - is a popular saying among people putting stuff off until later, i.e. anyone in the country currently still at work. 

And that's about it - speak soon and a ruddy merry Christmas to one and all!
O Come All Ye Fredful

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

13.12.22 - Fazer bico


Hope all is well. 

World Cup fever came to an abrupt end over the weekend as first Brazil and then England were knocked out in quick succession - such is life, I suppose, and at least now everyone can catch up on work a bit before the holiday season starts in earnest. 

Elsewhere we've put the Christmas decorations up, I've made a new compilation, and my phrase of the day ("fazer bico", or "to make a beak") means taking on extra work on the side - in honour of my moonlighting these past few months. 

Ciao for now,
Rudolph the Fred-nosed Reindeer

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

06.12.22 - Quem não te conhece, que te compre


Hope all well and not too hectic as we head into the final stretch of 2022. 

The quickfire schedule of World Cup games (and specifically Brazil's matches) is starting to take its toll, as Thursday's post-football bacchanalia extended into Friday's all-afternoon-long partying and vuvuzela-playing at Jacob and Bea's flat, then on into Saturday with a games night at Bruna's, and a convincing Brazil win yesterday afternoon. 

We've been trying to fit some work around all this revelry too, and I had a few videos go viral on the ol' social media over the weekend, leading to a sponsorship offer from an underwear company which I'm not really sure is a joke or not. 

Elsewhere I've made a new playlist, and my phrase of the day is "quem não te conhece, que te compre", or "let he who doesn't know you, buy you" - basically, "I know you're lying, and only someone who doesn't know you well is going to fall for it". 

That's all for the noo,
Frod x

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

29.11.22 - Engenheiro de obra pronta


Hope all well over there. 

World Cup fever has been tempered by a run of pretty uninspiring matches (England vs. USA probably being the worst offender) but Brazil are unbeaten so far, which is all that matters. I went into the office for the first game against Serbia, and watched the Switzerland game in the middle of a huge thunderstorm.

We also headed to Aldeia da Serra on Saturday for a BBQ at Bruna's parents' house, which is becoming an end-of-year tradition, featuring more and more extravagant Christmas decorations every time we go there.

In other news I've put together another mixtape to cut a rug to, and my phrase of the day ("engineer of a completed building project") refers to people who only show up to offer advice and support once the problem has been resolved. At least that's how I understood it...

Ciao for now!

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

22.11.22 - Quando a esmola é demais, o santo desconfia


Hope all well, and lovely to speak the other day. Over here, World Cup fever is slowly taking hold despite the unseasonal scheduling and regular work schedule, which we're doing our best to balance. Brazil play their first game on Thursday, which is when things should really kick off in earnest.

Elsewhere we celebrated Gabi's birthday weekend with a trip to her favourite Lebanese restaurant in Vila Madalena, followed by an evening at a local boteco with family and friends, then a rainy Sunday off. 

I've made another compilation (as well as World Cup mixes #1 and #2 for Instagram, with a song for each country taking part), and my phrase of the day - "when the alms are too much, the saint is suspicious" - basically means to be wary of anyone who is overly nice or charitable. 

Ciao for now!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

15.11.22 - Samba de uma nota só


Hope all well mit du. Things have settled down a bit over here, although there are still swathes of Bolsonaro fans camped outside military quarters across the country, fruitlessly waiting for the army to intervene in the election.

Back in the real world, we've been cracking on with work and planning for the combined World Cup / holidays bacchanal to come, either side of a weekend trip to Indaiatuba to see the cats and have a swim. 

I've made another mixtape, and my phrase of the day means "one-note samba", and refers to people who keep banging on about the same thing all the time, in a nice regional spin on "broken record"...

Ciao for now,

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

08.11.22 - Biscoitando


Hope all well across the sea. 

We've had a week of mild unrest over here, as disgruntled Bolsonaro voters vowed to block motorways until the military intervened (spoiler alert: they didn't). As far as I can tell it's all been extremely silly rather than actively dangerous or violent, which is all that could be hoped for.  Then on Saturday we went to another wedding of a couple of friends, which had been put off for about two years due to the pandemic, and was as fun and cathartic as you might imagine. 

Otherwise it's another mixtape, and another phrase of the week, which roughly translates as "biscuiting", and refers to people posting pics on Instagram with the thinly veiled goal of fishing for compliments (or "cookies", I guess). This is as far as I will engage with youth-speak on social media!

Ciao for now,

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

01.11.22 - Tchau querido


Hope all well! I write to you from our new socialist utopia, as a closely-fought general election capped a busy week. 

On Thursday night Gabi and I dipped our toes back in the open mic scene, jamming along with the house band at a bar in Vila Madalena, before returning the next day for work, which was less exciting but did at least come with a happy hour at close of business.

Then on Saturday we went to a wedding at the church down the road (two weddings, in fact - our one was running behind schedule so we caught the previous couple walking out), followed by a party up in the hills which was rather amusing, and on Sunday Fernanda and her small child came over for pre-results lunch and ice cream.

I've thrown together a new compilation, and my phrase of the week ("bye, dear") was coined when Dilma was impeached in 2016, before making an ironic comeback this week for obvious reasons. 

And that's about it! Speak soon,
Fred Can Dance

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

25.10.22 - Conhecendo as panelinhas


Hope all well! 

Another busy week over here, with the usual breaks for football and the occasional trip out for ice cream. We also went to Indaiatuba for the weekend, and finally got to use the pool, as well as a trip to the cat café in nearby Sorocaba with Malu, the 9-year-old who frequently let herself into our house when we lived there.

Elsewhere I've made not one but two new compilations, and my phrase of the day - "getting to know the little pans" - is a fun way of saying "learning the ropes" which I read in some subtitles on Netflix (and can't substantiate anywhere else, but still). 

That's all for now, speak soon!
Gladstone's Fred Box

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

18.10.22 - Saída a francesa


Hope you're having a jolly good week so far. Over here it's been a whirlwind of social engagements as the sun is finally out, plus a lot of work, which is better than no work at all I suppose! 

On Saturday we went to Taynah & Rafa's one-year-old's birthday party, with a circus theme, a bouncy castle and (for some reason) karaoke, then met up with Gaby's extended family for Zila's birthday - she'd always wanted to go to a fancy bar, so we took her out for Moscow Mules and fish and chips, which was most pleasant. Then on Sunday we chanced upon a huge air show down the road while out for a walk, with mid-air acrobatics and the like. 

I've made a new mixtape (plus another one for the 'Gram that's election-themed), and my phrase of the day means "French exit", i.e. leaving without saying goodbye - as opposed to the "Brazilian exit" of saying goodbye to absolutely everyone and only actually leaving hours later.

And on that note - bye for now!
Fred & Circuses

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

11.10.22 - Muriçoca encheu, voou


Hope all well! Plenty of work to be getting on with over here, although tomorrow is a national holiday and we spent the weekend napping in rainy Indaiatuba. We also had a bunch of people over to see the flat and eat cheese on Saturday night, which was rather fun.

Elsewhere I've made a new compilation, and my phrase of the day ("the mosquito filled up and flew off") applies to people who make a flying visit to someone else's house, just long enough to stock up on food. Much like this email! 

Speak soon,
"Art for art's sake is a philosophy of the well-Fred"

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

04.10.22 - De grão em grão a galinha enche o papo


Hope all well over the pond. We've been in the throes of a contentious general election this week, which now looks set to keep throe-ing through the rest of the month until the run-off vote on the 30th. And Bea & Jacob got married so we went to their new building on Saturday for a celebratory lunch and karaoke session which was rather fun.

Got a new compilation for ya, and my phrase of the week is "grain by grain, the chicken fills his beak", which I assume is a parable about hard work and perseverance, but might just be about chickens.

And that's about it for now. Speak to you sooooon x
The Fred Prince of Bel Air

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

27.09.22 - Quem tem boca vai a Roma


Hope you're all well! Over here we've been fairly snowed under with work and an unseasonal cold spell which shows no sign of going away soon, but we were able to check out some of the sights of São Paulo at the weekend, including a trip to a rather nice bookshop in Vila Madalena. And we got a robot hoover, which is extremely exciting as I'm sure you'll agree.

I've also made a new mixtape, and my phrase of the day means "he who has a mouth goes to Rome", i.e. keep talking and putting yourself about and eventually you'll get to where you want to go. Think that's about it!

Best regards,
The Freddy Bear's Picnic

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

20.09.22 - Quer moleza, senta no pudim


Hope all well! We're just back from an overnight trip into the countryside to see the in-laws and have lunch at a restaurant which, as fate would have it, was overlooking a huge Bolsonaro rally. 

We also went to, respectively, Jacob and Bea's stag & hen do's on Saturday, which was some good forced fun and involved lots of barbecued meat. And there's plenty going on work-wise but to be honest I've spent most of the last week obsessed with The Queue which formed in Central London...

In other news I've made a mixtape, released the latest episode of my radio show, and unearthed an excellent Brazilian phrase which translates as "if you want softness, go and sit in a pudding", and is often directed at people complaining about hard work, etc. 

So there's that. Anyway, speak soon!

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

13.09.22 - Não mexe em time que está ganhando


Hope all well etc. It's been a mixed bag week over here, with a (surprisingly fun!) full-on all-day workshop at the office followed by a dogged stomach bug putting me out of action for 48 hours, Thursday's slow news day, and a weekend spent vegetating at home for a change, occasionally heading out for meals just because we can now...

In other news I've made another compilation, and my phrase of the day means "don't mix up a team that's winning", which is obviously a more football-oriented, less horsey way of saying "don't change horses midstream". And I believe that's about it for now...

Speak soon!
Operation London Fredge

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

06.09.22 - Tirar o cavalinho da chuva


Hope all well! 

Not much to report here as we slowly get reacquainted with relatively hassle-free domesticity, except I've picked up some extra work from a lady I met on Instagram, who wants me to chip in with her English course for Brazilians among other things. We also finally went to see Taynah and Rafa's baby, after nearly a year of false starts, which was rather nice, and today I've got an all-day one-on-one creative workshop, which could go either way I reckon. 

Elsewhere I've made a new compilation, and my saying of the day is "tirar o cavalinho da chuva" / "to take the little horse out of the rain", or to give up on unrealistic ambitions. Apparently in the olden days, people would pop in for a quick chat, but if the host didn't stop talking then they would give up on a quick getaway, and park their horse properly. Hence the phrase.

And that's all she wrote. Speak soon!

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

30.08.22 - Quem vê cara não vê coração


Hope all is well and that you're having fun on the Trans-Europe Express. 

We're getting the hang of city life once again, including trips to the office and, er, the countryside to check on the cats while Adny and Ridaut went on a business/road trip down south. We also went to the Festa da Achiropita, a traditional month-long festival in which an entire Italian neighbourhood comes together to bake biblical quantities of fogazza and pasta to feed the masses and raise money for good causes.

In other news I've made another mixtape, and my phrase of the day translates as "he who sees the face doesn't see the heart", which is a spin on "don't judge a book by its cover", "beauty is only skin-deep", etc. And that'll do for the noo!

Speak soon,
Shrimp Fred Rice

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

23.08.22 - Do Oiapoque ao Chuí


Hope all well, and good to talk yesterday in between loch-walking and ancient Chinese self-care sessions. 

As I mentioned we're back to work here, and determined to officially put the renovation work to bed this week. We spent most of the weekend installing a walk-in closet then unpacking the last few cardboard boxes, and the builders are coming back to touch up the odd bit of paintwork etc. We're hoping to wrap it all up today, although given their previous form this could take weeks. 

I also went properly viral on Instagram, which was a weird experience - I posted a completely innocuous video positing that Brazilians would struggle to eat pizza abroad, since they're used to waiters serving it to them one slice at a time, and it seems to have become a lightning rod for the absolute worst people in the world who a) don't understand it's a joke and b) have turned me into the poster-child for spoilt, entitled Generation Z (at 35!). Anyway I'm now about 7000 followers better off, and wondering what other basic activities I can pretend not to grasp.

Elsewhere I've made a new compilation, and my phrase of the day is shorthand for "the whole of Brazil", from its northernmost point (Oiapoque river) to the southernmost (Barra do Chuí). Although apparently it's now out of date, as SCIENCE has since proven that Mount Caburaí is further north.

Speak soon,
One Nation Under Frod

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

16.08.22 - Matar aula


Hope all well over there, and lovely to see you! We're back in São Paulo and back to work here, but to sum up the rest of our Eurotrip for the sake of completism and posterity:
  • Annecy: got absolutely fleeced to drive through a trans-Alpine tunnel  and had to park in a different town because Annecy was completely full, but had a lovely time wandering round the old town once we got settled in, eating tartiflette and renting a pedalo to go out on to the lake. 
  • Gruyeres: tiny town perched on a mountain, full of medieval barns and castles (and an HR Giger museum, bafflingly) - we basically only went there to eat fondue and it did not disappoint, although it turned out our venue of choice had burnt down shortly before we arrived. Nice drive over the Jaunpass afterwards as well.
  • Interlaken & Grindelwald: had a fantastic view of the Brienzersee from our hotel balcony, so spent most of our time there since we were priced out of doing just about anything else. After Waze took us on a terrifying detour up a narrow mountain path, we eventually found the right cable car in Grindelwald, and had a death-defying toboggan ride back down, before heading back to Interlaken for a McRaclette, and onwards.
  • Zurich
    : our tour of the Lindt chocolate factory was the clear highlight, with all the truffles we could eat and stow away in our bag. The rest of our stay was a bit of a let down since Alex had skipped town a few days before, the city was dead and we were getting a bit sick of Switzerland by this point anyway.
  • Colmar: the Venice of Alsace, full of picturesque cottages and creme fraiche. Supposedly the inspiration for the village in Beauty & the Beast. Would recommend! 
  • Paris: drove all day, got unbelievably lost trying to return the hire car at Orly airport, eventually hopped on a tram into town for huge portions of Vietnamese food with Jean Luc and Nic, followed by a late-night drive to the Eiffel Tower, then back to the airport Ibis for an early night, and a full day's travel back home. 
Think that about covers it - had a lovely time but glad to be back, if only to be able to remove a troublesome wisdom tooth later today. I've got two new compilations lined up and my phrase of the day, "matar aula", is the Brazilian version of skipping class (literally "killing class"), in keeping with the whole holiday theme.

Speak soon!
Fred-a Kahlo

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

26.07.22 - Se não tiver confusão não tem graça


Hope all well! We are shacked up in sunny London town after a 24-hour odyssey from Brazil followed by a whistlestop tour through the Fens and beyond, and preparing to move on to the Côte d'Azur!

Our flight over went about as well as it could have - the only delays were caused by our inability to read basic information, and following the crowd into a huge customs line instead of actually going towards our own gate, but getting out at Gatwick was a breeze. We had a bit of trouble getting our hi-tech all-bluetooth hire car working without much in the way of working internet but were soon on our way to Huntingdon, where we stayed the night at a friend of Gabi's and stocked up on English delicacies like pork pies and raspberries.

The next day we took a while hitting the road due to more technical snags but eventually got to Bungay for a pub lunch / Sunday roast with grandpa, then on to Brenna & Callum''s for an intense trampoline workout, song recitals and a crash course in Brazilian TikTok. We then gave Ossian and Callum a lift into London, returned the car and headed to our Airbnb in Finsbury Park, which is basically a basement but a very well-stocked and well-located one. 

Yesterday we were in Camden for lunch, then Gabi hit the shops while I stayed on technically working, and we met up with Ben in the evening before heading to our old haunt Pappagone's for a pizza - not 100% sure what the plan for today is yet but food is a central concern as always. 

In the meantime I have a new compilation which I found down the back of the sofa, and my phrase of the day means "if there's no confusion there's no fun", which seems to apply so far.

See you soon!
Frod Hull

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

19.07.22 - Só a capa da gaita


Hope all well. 

Over here we are, as they say, "só a capa da gaita", or "just the bag of the bagpipes", after an exhausting week of herding builders around and fitting everything into our new flat, jigsaw-style, all while trying to hold down a steady job and stop the cats from weeing everywhere in protest of their newly-confined state.

I also went to my first ever kid's party in Brazil (for Heitor's first birthday) at a dedicated soft play venue nearby, and went into town on Saturday to do a big shop, get a top-up shot of AstraZeneca and become reacquainted with the big city. It's good to be back, but suffice to say it's time for a break, so it's just as well we are off abroad on Friday night!

Oh, and I made a new compilation. Speak soon!

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

12.07.22 - Arroz de festa


Hope all well in the sunlit uplands, we'll be heading there soon so it had better be! In the meantime we have finally cast off the shackles of rurality and have moved back to the Big City. The move itself went about as swimmingly as a gruelling three-day process could have gone, but the flat is a) exponentially smaller than the house we moved out of and b) not finished yet. 

None of the rooms have doors yet, for example (not even the bathroom), I was almost burnt to a crisp by exposed wiring and there was no functioning kitchen sink until yesterday. The builders, with whom we are now essentially coexisting during working hours, are bafflingly slow but hopefully now we're constantly around to tell them exactly what to do, they'll pick up the pace (out of awkwardness if nothing else).

Having said that, now that we're past the scariest part (Saturday morning, when the movers filled up almost every square inch of the flat with furniture) and have made a significant dent in the cardboard boxes, it's looking pretty cool and, crucially, rent-free. It's also a massive relief not to have to look over our shoulders for fleeing cats anymore, even if Berry seems a bit heartbroken by the lack of a back garden. I reckon it should be fully liveable by the time we leave for three weeks in late July.

No compilation this week for obvious reasons, but my phrase of the week is a good'un - people who are seemingly present at every social gathering are referred to as "arroz de festa", i.e. "party rice", a nod to the tradition of throwing rice at newlyweds (which is a thing outside Brazil, right?). A harbinger of a newly revitalized social calendar for Gabi and I, hopefully!

Speak soon,
"Life is a Fred that someone untangled" - Fernando Pessoa

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

05.07.22 - No frigir dos ovos


Bit late with the old weekly email today, there's plenty to be getting on with as we enter the combined moving house & Eurotrip endgame... 

On Thursday the men in white coats are coming to box everything up, and take everything to São Paulo on Saturday, so we're going to be in limbo for a few days. We're in two minds about leaving - on the one hand it's nice and warm, and the neighbourhood had a jolly "Festa Julina" shindig and bonfire at the weekend, but on the other hand our running water has been cut off for the past 24 hours, so I don't think we'll be too sorry to see the back of the countryside for a while. 

Elsewhere I've made another mixtape, and my phrase of the day means "at the frying of the eggs", which basically means "when all is said and done", or "when the chips are down". I have never heard it said out loud, but I intend to bring it back into fashion. 

Speak soon!
Fred Red Wine

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

28.06.22 - O golpe tá aí, cai quem quer


Hope all well across the Atlantic. We've pushed back our move by a week for floor-related reasons (specifically, the flat doesn't have a floor yet), so have a bit of breathing room in which to do lots of old-fashioned work, and plan our upcoming trip to Europe!

We've also been house/cat-sitting for Andy and Ridaut who have been in chilly Gramado for their anniversary, and we had a quick round-trip to São Paulo on Sunday for a gathering of psychologists, and to have lunch with Zila which was rather fun. 

Otherwise I've been following along with Glastonbury over the weekend, despite not really having access to any of the coverage; I've made another compilation for your listening delight; and my phrase of the week is from a popular hit of the past few years, roughly translating as "the scam is there, those who want to fall for it, will" (i.e. "[x] is dodgy, everyone knows it, and anyone who falls for it can only be doing so willingly").

'Til the next time!

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

21.06.22 - URSAL


Hope all well! 

We're in the final stretch of Operation Move Into a House That's Still Being Built, which looks like it'll go right down to the wire, and began the downsizing process at the weekend by announcing we were giving away and selling a bunch of stuff (inflatable pool, etc). Said stuff was picked off almost immediately by various neighbours so that was a productive few days, and I'm more confident we'll get everything to fit into a tiny São Paulo flat now.

No compilation this week, as we move into the fallow part of the musical calendar year, but my phrase of the day comes from an amusing bit of online tomfoolery which only really makes sense in Brazil. "URSAL" is the "União das Republiquetas socialistas da América Latina", a socialist utopia which was made up for a laugh by an academic in 2001, quoted as a genuine conspiracy theory in a 2018 presidential debate (leading to endless memes based around a big bear / "ursão" mascot), and is now one step closer to reality following the Colombian election on Sunday.

That's all for noo - speak soon!

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

14.07.22 - Com o rei na barriga


Hope all well witchu! 

We're in the midst of another cold snap here, and busy overseeing the end phase of the building work back in town. On Thursday I drove into the Sherlock office for some light admin and typical Festa Junina jollity in the evening, most of which went right over my head but was rather fun nonetheless. And the weekend was spent mostly napping and barbequing burgers.

Elsewhere I've made another compilation, and my phrase of the week concerns people "com rei na barriga" ("with the king in their belly"), i.e. with a disproportionate sense of self-importance - a throwback to the days of the Portuguese monarchy when having the literal (future) king in your belly got you preferential treatment from the royal court, and disdain from the commoners.

In other news, I have put together a Parada Inglesa radio show for an online station which was recently launched by a music forum I sometimes frequent, and it airs later today at this link, so listen in from 6pm UK time and let me know what you think!

Ciao for now,

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

07.06.22 - Ficar com um pé atrás


Hope you're all doing well, and thanks again for your various cards and whatnot. We've had a relatively uneventful week, with just the one flying visit to São Paulo on Saturday for a birthday party, and even a whole day doing nothing on Sunday, which was a nice change of pace. 

This week I'm off to the office for a Festa Junina - no doubt involving lots of dancing around in circles and corn-based snacks, as is tradition - and we have to get our various houses in order since we've officially given notice here. I've also made a banging mixtape, and my phrase of the day translates as "to be with one foot behind", which is fairly self-explanatory.

And that's all she wrote! Speak soon,
TGI Freddys

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

31.05.22 - Situação de barril


Hope you're all doin' well! 

We've been out and about this weekend, to visit Beatrice & Jacob's new flat - they've gone through renovation hell too, so it was encouraging to see proof that these things come to an end eventually. Then we stopped off in Sorocaba on the way home the next day, to check out a cat café and have some cat immersion therapy, which was good, wholesome fun. 

Elsewhere I've made another compilation, featuring the latest gibberish hit to sweep the nation, "Acorda Pedrinho". And my phrase of the day means "a barrel-like situation", or "dire straits", basically - an homage to beloved TV character Chaves, who lived in a barrel. And that's all I have to say about that. 

Speak soon!
Fred Green Tomatoes