Tuesday, February 27, 2024

27.02.24 - Aí que tá o pulo do gato


Hope all well. 

We were out in the sticks at the weekend, visiting the in-laws with Zila, Bill and Luiza in tow and making full use of their swimming pool. And now we're in the midst of Sherlock Week, with PR folk flying in from all over the continent for training and other hi-jinks. On Friday we have our long-awaited yearly party, featuring a concert by the Sherlock House Band, and yours truly on drums this time. 

In other news I've made a new, rather chilled-out compilation, plus another one about fish for some reason; and my phrase of the day means "that's where the jump of the cat is", and acts as a kind of interjection whenever you want to say something like "that's the thing, though". I haven't had a chance to use it myself, but it's only a matter of time. 

Speak sooooon,
... And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Fred

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

20.02.24 - Agradar a gregos e troianos


Hope all is well. 

Carnaval has finally come to an end here, and everyone is reluctantly back to work and/or reality - we continued to keep our distance but ventured out to check out a new osteria (like a slice of Italy in the Zona Norte!) and meet Taynah & Rafa's new child.

Elsewhere I've made not one but two new compilations, and my phrase of the day means "to please Greeks and Trojans", i.e. to try and please everybody, within the realms of possibility. And that's about it for now! I'm off for another band practice ahead of our gig / work party next week...

Speak soon!

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

13.02.24 - Pular Carnaval


Hope all well!

It's Carnaval time, so we've been enjoying the merriment from afar, give or take the odd trip to Multilingo to hang out with the bilingual folk in Vila Madalena. We also escaped to nature and hiked up to the Big Rock (Pedra Grande) on Sunday, followed by a cinema trip to see "Poor Things".

In other news I've made a new compilation, and an all-Brazilian mix for the 'Gram as well. My phrase of the day is a confusing one, in that it can mean both "to skip Carnaval", i.e. sit it out, and "to jump Carnaval", i.e. to go to Carnaval and jump around, i.e. the exact opposite. Make of that what you will...

Speak soon!

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

06.02.24 - Calma calabreso!


Hope all well. It's Carnaval week here but I'm carrying on my year-long stint of not really getting involved, and just keeping an eye on which streets have been shut down when planning trips. 

Instead we've been out and about with friends, including a child's birthday party at a safari-themed softplay centre, which included live animals (owls! chinchillas! baby alligators!), ziplining and those big blow-up spheres you can use to walk on water with. Gabi and her friends were a lot more into it than most of the eerily well-behaved children, so fun was had by all. 

I also met up with a fellow gringofluencer on Thursday to record some amusing videos together in Batman Alley, before heading to the Multilingo language night down the road. Hopefully that should pull me out of the Instagram doldrums, brought on when I foolishly posted a spoof advert for a Royal Family betting app...

Elsewhere I've thrown together another mixtape, and my phrase of the day is currently taking the nation by storm having gained prominence on Big Brother Brasil, delightfully nonsensical as it is ("calm down sausage!").

And that's about it - speak soon!
Don't Fred