Tuesday, March 28, 2023

28.03.23 - Cuspir no prato que comeu


Hope all well! We've been in boiling-hot Indaiatuba over the weekend to see the in-laws and cats #1 and #2, and film a short Romeo & Juliet adaptation for Instagram (it's a long story), amongst all the usual life admin stuff. And booked our flights to Europe this summer, which is rather exciting....

In other news, I've made another compilation and uploaded dad's birthday sing to YouTube, and my phrase of the day ("cuspir no prato que comeu") means "to spit in the plate you ate from" - or "to bite the hand that feeds you", essentially. Not recommended!

That's about it for now, speak sooooon,
Fred Again..

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

21.03.23 - Vai catar coquinho


Hope all well, and good to speak on Birthday Weekend™. 

We've been having a jolly old time with the grim spectre of building work no longer hanging over us, and even went out for a Night Out on Saturday, for Bruna's birthday. Then we visited Gaby's grandparents on Sunday, I had a sing, we researched our travel plans for later this year, and it all ended rather visually. 

Elsewhere I've made a new compilation, and my phrase of the day means "go and pick up coconuts", i.e. "leave me alone and go and do something else". I haven't had the chance to use it yet but intend to ASAP.

That's all for now, have a good week and speak soon!
Frodd Future

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

14.03.23 - Achado não é roubado


Hope all well. 

Work continues apace here, although it looks like we've finally finished our remodeling and painting, give or take a shelf or two. Between that and constant rain it's been a bit of a hectic week, so looking forward to everything going back to normal eventually! Touch wood!

Elsewhere I've made another compilation, and my phrase of the day ("found is not stolen") is the Brazilian equivalent of "finder's keepers" - and a tenet of the country's legal system, apparently. And that's all she wrote, for this week at least. 

Speak soon!
All Quiet on the Western Frod

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

07.03.23 - Todo cuidado é pouco


Hope all well in that there Europe. 

The building work continues here but should wrap up this week, with everything given a new coat of paint. On Friday we went all the way to Morumbi for dinner and an impromptu (and useful!) lecture on digital marketing from some of Gaby's recording colleagues, and on Sunday we went out for MEAT at a local smokehouse, then met up for coffee with a fellow gringo who got in touch via Instagram. So it's all go over here!

In other news I made another compilation, and my phrase of the day means "every care is little", or "you can't be too careful". And that's about it for this week - speak soon!