Tuesday, January 25, 2022

25.01.22 - Mijo de égua


How's things across the Atlantic? Over here we are slowly getting baked alive by the Indaiatuba sun, to the extent that we've actually used the pool and garden which we spend hours a day maintaining, to cool down. Meanwhile Berry has become increasingly ungovernable, so we've had to spring for a steel mesh to reinforce our long-suffering fence (fingers crossed it works), and I've booked a rather odd side gig writing complimentary blog articles about Paraguay.

At the weekend, we went into São Paulo for Michelle's long-delayed graduation party, which was the first real party any of us had been to in years (my work do doesn't count). I was expecting a civilized affair with speeches and diplomas and throwing hats in the air, but it turns out graduation parties in Brazil are a huge deal and this was more like an all-night rave with finger food. 

For a start it was held at the Espaço das Américas, one of the biggest concert halls in town, crammed with thousands of people all dressed to the hilt. Almost as soon as the doors opened a Michael Jackson tribute band came onstage, and it only escalated from there - having availed ourselves of the free buffet and bar, we were treated to a raucous funk set from an MC who's apparently famous with the youth, and all the graduates waltzed with their parents and significant others, which is apparently A Thing as well.

That same night, Gaby's parents were invited to the fancy-dress birthday party of a big soap opera star, which sounded fun although unfortunately there is no record of it because phones were confiscated upon entry. We met up on Sunday to compare notes, then headed home to catch up on sleep.

And that just about brings us up to date. I've made another playlist should you be so inclined (RIP Mr. Loaf), and my phrase of the day translates as "mare's wee", and is used to deride particularly weak beer. I've never had cause to use it to be honest, but thought I'd leave it here for posterity. 

Hope all well, and speak soon!
There By The Grace of Frod

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

18.01.22 - Assobiar e chupar cana ao mesmo tempo


Hope all well! I ventured into the big city last week for the annual Sherlock get-together, worked in the new office for a few days, swanned around Vila Madalena and got to know a lot of people I hadn't met in person until now, which was a nice change of pace. I had to brush off my Spanish to chat with the Latin American contingent, and ended up giving an on-camera interview for an awards jury (which will probably end up on the cutting room floor, but still).

On Friday we had our belated "Christmas party" which was most fun and featured a short set by myself and a guy called Mauricio, who had rented out a full PA as well as a studio to rehearse in the night before. At which point Gaby showed up, also in town for some in-person sessions, and we headed back the next day having run some errands in town.

And on Sunday we went to a cool deck bar in Indaiatuba, which was BBQ-centric but also catered to our newfound veggie leanings, with a copious salad buffet and triple-lemon caipirinhas - a cool new find! No compilation this week due to my to-ings and fro-ings, but the phrase of the week - "to whistle and suck sugar cane at the same time" - is roughly equivalent to "have your cake and eat it too".

Speak soon!
Once, Twice, Three Times a Freddy

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

11.01.22 - Vai pentear macacos


Hope all well and sorry I was late to the family Zoom the other day - barbecuing duty called! Not much to report this week amid all the rain and unseasonal cold, although we did drive over to Itu the other night to check out a Napolitan-style pizzeria which was rather yummy. And we're holding steady with veggie January so far!

Tomorrow I'm off to Vila Madalena for a few days to work from the Sherlock office, culminating in our staff party on Friday, where I've been roped into playing a short set with a  bassist colleague - we meet and rehearse on Thursday so let's see how that goes. 

I've made a new mixtape, and my delightful phrase of the week ("vai pentear macacos") means "go and comb some monkeys", i.e. "go away and do something else, I'm busy".

And on that note,
Speak soon!

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

04.01.22 - Do couro se faz a correia


Hope all well in 2022 so far! We're back to work after a laid-back New Year's Eve involving plenty of food and champers at home, followed by a lot of flopping about half-heartedly musing on our plans for the new year, ignoring the feral children pacing around outside. 

That's about it so far - we did go out of our way to do as little as possible after all, which is good news for our inner workings but doesn't make for a great blog. I have, however, made a new mixtape for the new year, and my phrase of the day ("from leather comes the belt") basically means "nothing comes from nothing". So there's that.

Speak soon!
Away in a manger, no crib for a Fred