Tuesday, October 26, 2021

26.10.21 - Mais ignorado do que a última fatia de pão


Hope all good witchu. Over here we've been holding down the fort, putting up more fences to keep the demon cat in (which obviously still need work, as I had to rescue her up on the roof yesterday), learning pool maintenance, warding off  insect swarms and poisoning warrens, exploring Indaiatuba in between rainstorms, and prepping for travels to come. 

Elsewhere I've made another mixtape, and my phrase of the day - which translates to "more overlooked than the last slice of bread" - means, well, overlooked. Apparently enough people skip the last, and perhaps even the first, slice(s) of bread in the bag for this to be an acceptable phrase, which is a sorry state of affairs indeed. 

That will be all - speak soon!
Fred Card Offence

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

19.10.21 - Falar groselha


Hope all well, and looking forward to heading over next month! Over here we've been keeping busy with work, cats, gardening, pool-filtering, trip-planning, books-balancing, course-running and general life admin. 

On Saturday we went to São Paulo for a whirlwind tour, during which we met up with multiple family members, handed out gifts, ate platters of sausage and whisked Zila back to ours for a birthday lunch the next day. I also got fully vaxxed, have jabs will travel, etc.

I've made a new mixtape, and my phrase of the day means to "speak gooseberry", or ramble on about nothing in particular. I like it, and intend to use it more often in conversation...

Speak soon!
Would Have Got Away With It If It Weren't For Those Fred-ling Kids

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

13.10.21 - Uai


A rather late update this week as we're just back from a long weekend in Minas Gerais, the next state over, visiting long-lost cousins. It was a lot of fun - torrential rain basically every day we were there, but we made up for it with endless board games and an extremely aggressive approach to offering food, which I'm told is par for the course there (I was basically never not eating). Plenty of material for my humourous Instagram account.

Rain aside, it was hard to coordinate so many people, and the one journey we made into Belo Horizonte ended in ignominy as we accidentally left Patricia at a covered market, then went to see a big lake in the dark but had to pull the plug when we nearly got hit by lightning and I was almost apprehended by a police sting operation (long story, which we will no doubt chuckle about in the years to come).

BUT, yesterday we packed up and set off early and managed to visit the historic, extremely hilly city of Ouro Preto, via some wild foggy scenery straight out of Middle Earth. No rain, a lovely meal and plenty of photos later we got in the car and drove through the night (turns out Minas is absolutely massive), getting home to some very anxious cats around 4am.

In other news, I have booked to come to the UK on November 24th and fly back from Nice on December 5th, which will hopefully be enough time to see everyone. Gaby has decided not to travel this time, because of work issues and also a fear of being turned away as a Brazilian with no pressing need to be in the UK... but we're working on it so we can both come over for longer next summer. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Oh and I've made a new compilation, and my phrase of the day is a fairly meaningless interjection they say a lot in Minas, and is (probably apocryphally) attributed to the English coming over to build trains, mine for gold etc and asking everyone "Why?" a lot.

Ciao for now,
Ouro Fred-o

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

05.10.21 - Preço de banana


Hope all well witchu. Not much to report here - it's finally rained, which is most welcome as we planted a bunch of trees and herbs and seeds this week, and we had an extremely lazy weekend cooking gourmet burgers and corralling the cats. Later on we hit the road for a long weekend in Minas Gerais, which I'm led to believe will involve non-stop eating.

I've made another mixtape, and my phrase of the week ("the price of a banana") is an expression for a bargain, i.e. "I bought this car at banana prices". Bananas themselves have ironically gone up in price along with just about everything else in the country, but that's neither here nor there.

Speak soon!