Tuesday, April 27, 2021

27.04.21 - Olho de sogra


I trust all is well by the Med! 

We're back from a long weekend in Ilhabela, where we managed to escape the City of Building Work, relax a bit and jump in the sea in between visiting the few remaining houses still available to rent, now that the whole of São Paulo has had the same idea as us. They were OK, but on reflection we'll probably stay in SP for now (if we can find somewhere!) and save up to buy (and possibly build) our own place there - evenshually.

Otherwise it's business as usual - I've made another mixtape, and my phrase of the day is the name of a kind of sweet, made of sugar dough wrapped in a prune or date. It's called a "mother-in-law's eye" - the eye part because it looks a bit like an eye, and the rest is a mystery to me. I've also been enjoying this guy narrating his trips through London via dashcam - strangely relaxing!

Speak soon!
Ethelred the Un-Freddy

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

20.04.21 - Tirar água do joelho


How are we all this week? The round-the-clock drilling is starting to get to us here, so we've booked a trip to Ilhabela tomorrow to get away from it all and check out some places for rent while we're there. So that'll be nice. 

On that note we went up into the mountains at the weekend to see what was on offer, but the houses we visited were too remote, and too reminiscent of a woodland cult, respectively.

Otherwise I've made compilation #300, and my phrase of the week ("to drain the knee") is a euphemism for urinating, whose origins are clouded in mystery. May it serve you well in the years to come. 

Speak soon!

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

13.04.21 - Viajar na maionese


Hope all well and you've had yer jabs, etc. Looks like we'll be the absolute last country out of lockdown at this rate, but it could be worse, etc. We've been remotely house-hunting and may be off to Ilhabela next week to visit some places in person - watch this space.

A little bit of drama as well: we spent the weekend by the pool, making the most of the tail-end of summer, and had just left when the gym being built next door basically collapsed - the beam holding up the second story buckled and the entire floor fell down. Luckily it was Sunday, i.e. the one day when it's not crawling with people, but we soon had a swarm of firefighters and surveyors picking over the rubble. Pretty scary stuff, but more importantly we're not sure whether this = less noise for a while, or = much more noise for much longer than expected. 

I've made another mixtape, and my phrase of the day ("to travel in mayonnaise") is applied to people who are either talking a load of rubbish, or aren't paying attention to the matter at hand, which I thought was quite evocative. By the way, not that it makes the saying any more coherent, but over here "maionese" is not only a condiment but also a whole dish (albeit one made mostly of, well, mayonnaise). 

And that's a wrap!
The Duke of Fredinburgh (RIP)

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

06.04.21 - Achismo


Hope all well and good to see you over the weekend. As reported, there's not a whole lot going on here, what with the "red phase" of the lockdown being upgraded to a previously-unheard-of "purple phase", and the state declaring that all public holidays for 2021 would be brought forward and used up in one go, over the course of last week (because that worked so well last year).

Work carries on regardless, and we had Zila over for Easter lunch with the in-laws on Sunday. I've made a new compilation, and my phrase of the day ("achismo") is a catchall term for whenever anyone expounds a theory based entirely on "what [they] reckon" ("eu acho que..."), rather than any hard evidence. Lot of it about these days!

Speak soon, Keith Moon
Fred x