Tuesday, October 27, 2020

27.10.20 - Chove e não molha


Hope all well in your respective countries. 

Not a lot to report here, what with life as we know it grinding to a halt (except building work) - on Sunday we visited Bruna's new flat briefly, and yesterday we had Berry neutered which was fairly emotional for everyone involved. She's fine now, and as much an agent of chaos as she's always been, especially in the early morning.

I've made another playlist, and a Halloween-themed Fredbangers mix, and my phrase of the day is a "fish or cut bait" / "make up your mind" situation, where "it's raining but you don't get wet", or something like that. 

'Til next we speak again,
Fredlock Holiday

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

20.10.20 - Dar o braço a torcer


Lovely to Zoom the other day, even under the circumstances, and hope you're all doing well in your far-flung corners of the globe. 

Not much to report here, aside from plenty of work to be getting on with and a slight reduction in building work cacophony.  I took Berry to the vet on Friday, mainly to find out why she keeps weeing everywhere indiscriminately, and she's for the chop this Friday (she'll thank us later!). And my homemade fish & chips was a roaring success, albeit a particularly smelly one which is never to be repeated.

I done made a mixtape and another Fredbangers anthology, and my phrase of the day means "to give ones arm to twist", which is when you "gotta hand it to" someone or admit you got something wrong. Finally, I can heartily recommend the new Alan Partridge podcast, which some kind soul has uploaded to YouTube.


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

13.10.20 - Brincando se dizem as verdades

Well helloooo,

Nice to chat yesterday, while the Building Works Philharmonic Orchestra took a day off for once. 

As discussed this weekend was a relative smorgasbord of activity, with a party at Jacob's on Saturday followed by a day out/factfinding mission to a packed Campos de Jordão on Sunday, including coffee & cake and a long lunch up the side of a mountain. And yesterday I made some damn good fish and chips, helped Gaby set up her new bookshelves and played footy with "os lads", including Guilherme who was visiting from Santa Catarina.

Elsewhere I've made another mix and another Fredbangers special, and my phrase of the day means "joking often reveals the truth", or "many a true word is spoken in jest", basically. 

Speak soon and bon voyage,
Fred Out!

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

06.10.20 - Quando o gato sai, os ratos fazem a festa


Hope all well in la belle France/Italia. Not much to report here except that the building work going on in and around our building has somehow gotten worse, and I've been sat in front of a fan all week to counteract the frankly ludicrous heat.

Otherwise I have gone done another mixtape, and another drill-resistant batch of Fredbangers. My phrase of the week is "when the cat's away, the mice will play", or in this case, "have a party". Finally, I recommend Bob Dylan's latest old-time radio show, in which he does not sing.

Ciao for now,