Tuesday, August 25, 2020

25.08.20 - Ossos do ofício


Hope all well on your respective travels. Not a lot happening here: we went to eat out (to help out) with friends for the first time in months on Sunday for Andreia's birthday, which was a bit empty and weird, and did the rounds with Gaby's extended family afterwards, resulting in a day of near-uninterrupted eating. And on Friday we both worked from Gaby's office for the first time (and probably last, now that she's started holding in-person sessions there). 

Otherwise we've mainly been dealing with the cats going out of their minds with this unreasonable cold snap, holding down several jobs and making killer mixtapes. My phrase of the day is "the bones of the office", which can be used to refer to any occupational hazard or downside of work. Apparently it comes from the olden days when stationery folk used to make official letterhead from pigment extracted from bone marrow, which was as arduous as it sounds.

Ciao for now,

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

18.08.20 - Fulano e Ciclano


Hope all well - over here we're stuck doing the Lockdown Shuffle as always, although we had some folks over for dinner the other night (we remembered to include food this time, wisely avoiding the paralytics of the time before) and were out fixing the lighting in Gaby's office yesterday.

Elsewhere I've made another mixtape, and my phrase of the day is the Brazilian equivalent of "Joe (and Jane) Bloggs", to refer to an anonymous everyman in conversation. Apparently no one is actually named "Fulano" though.

And that's all for the noo! Speak soon, 
Ethelfred the Unready

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

11.08.20 - Esticar as canelas


Lovely to speak the other day and then sing raucously at you, we should do it again some time. 

Over here we're testing the COVID-infested waters somewhat, venturing out of the house not once but twice over the weekend to see some friends in São Bernardo (including a newborn who I ended up singing "Be My Baby" to all evening), and then to take Ridaut to the Gaucho bar for Brazilian Father's Day, stopping off at Gaby's grandparents' on the way. We also got the keys to Gaby's new psych pad down the road, so she's been out stocking up for that. Exciting times!

Elsewhere I've gone done another compilation, and my phrase of the day ("to stretch one's shins") means to kick the bucket, push up the daisies, etc. I can also highly recommend the "No More Jockeys" series on the ol' YouTube, for weekly doses of good healthy fun. And that's all she wrote!

Ciao for now,
Milton Fred-man

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

04.08.20 - A ocasião faz o ladrão


Hope all well and that the trip to the valleys was reinvigorating and not too Swiss, despite it all. I enjoyed the pics!

Not a huge amount has happened here, Gaby is about to sign the lease for her new psych pad down the road and I'm writing a PR proposal on how to get Latin Americans to visit Florida despite both areas being absolute no-go areas at the moment, which is interesting I guess. I also covered "OK Computer" in its entirety yesterday, with mixed results.

I've made a new mixtape, and my phrase of the day means "the occasion makes the thief", which I'm going to assume is a condensed, poignant treatise on society and accountability, and not just some bollocks that rhymes.

Speak soon!