Tuesday, June 30, 2020

30.06.20 - Ilegal, imoral ou engorda


Good to quiz/sing raucously with you the other day. 

Same as it ever was here, with minimal easing of lockdown (probably for the best). Gaby gave her first online class at the weekend, to a full house of Youtubers and behaviourists, which I am told went well, and we tried to get Berry accepted by Diva and Roniron again, with mixed results.

Made another mixtape, and my phrase of the day is from a Roberto Carlos song I covered yesterday, about how everything he enjoys is either "illegal, immoral or fattening". That's all for now!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

23.06.20 - Morreu ou foi pro Record


Hope all well and thanks for tuning into my live show extravaganza. 

Things have been slow here even by recent standards , as first Gaby and then I got struck down by an unidentified eye condition and confined to quarters for seven days (the doctor said it might be coronavirus of the eyes, or something else entirely). So we've been watching/squinting at lots of TV, trying to tire the cats out and frying up a storm.

I've made a new mixtape, and my phrase of the day is a brutal dig at the Record TV channel, which is like the ugly stepsister of main Globo channel - basically if a celebrity goes off the radar for an extended period of time you just assume they've "died or gone over to Record", which no one watches. Although I'm not sure anyone's watching Globo either, at the moment it's probably just old soap reruns while Fausto Silva rambles in an empty room.

Anyway, speak soon!

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

16.06.20 - Bife do Vazio


Good to Zoom t'other day. As I mentioned lockdown has been relaxed here, less due to scientific consensus and more to people not really being arsed with it anymore. When we ventured out on to the high street on Saturday people were wearing PPE, queuing properly etc. Still a bit mad considering the national death toll is still growing steadily, but I was pleasantly surprised by how cautious everyone seemingly is. 

Otherwise we've been shielding ourselves from the increasingly large and erratic Berry (whose new hobbies include pulling clothes off the drying rack, and climbing up our trousers), and making restaurant-grade meals with our new air-fryer, including a Valentine's Day feast of steak, bubbly and chocolate mousse courtesy of Gaby.

I've made a new, globetrotting mixtape and my phrase of the day comes from our local butchers, who are now selling "bife do vazio". "Vazio" is apparently the name of a cut of meat, but it literally translates as "beef from the void", which is certainly an arresting prospect.

Speak soon!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

09.06.20 - Broas


Hope all well witchu.   Over here we're content to herd cats, run around the building in circles and wait for this whole thing to blow over.  All the more time to make a new mixtape, and learn how to make broas (Brazilian scones, highly recommended). 

And that is about the long and short of it - speak soon!
Fred Up

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

02.06.20 - Rabo virado pra lua


Hope all well down in Antibes. Here everything is much the same, there's been some talk of lifting lockdown mid-June, but we'll just see won't we. 

My many jobs continue apace, I'm speed-reading "Neither Here Nor There" again, Gaby is posting up a storm online, we bought an air-fryer and are getting to grips with what an air-fryer is and how it works. The biggest news is our acquisition of a tiny new cat called Berry - he seems to be settling in OK with Valente and we haven't accidentally trodden on him yet.

I've made a new mixtape, and my phrase of the day means "tail [in this case a euphemism for one's bottom] turned to the moon", used in reference to people who seemingly always get the rub of the green (whatever that is). And a propos of nothing, I enjoyed this Gringolandia SP-esque article from the BBC: https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/52592649

Speak soon, baboon!
Sourdough Fred