Tuesday, January 28, 2020

28.01.20 - Dono do pedaço


You join me live from Cambridge, in a time of great personal and professional upheaval and a lot of bloody work and no play.  But all is well, I've had an extremely encouraging nibble from another PR agency in São Paulo, and we've hashed out my way back to Brazil. Cannae wait!

In the meantime I've been gallivanting around town in the hour or so per day when it's not raining or dark, including a trip to the Orchard Tea Rooms in Grantchester on Saturday for a jacket potato AND cream tea. On Thursday I head to London to face my destiny, and possibly review a restaurant if my editor gets his act together.

I've made a compilation, and my phrase of the day ("owner of the piece") means someone who lays claim to wherever they happen to be and acts like they own the place - not unlike Pudim, who is still in an uneasy truce with Valente from behind our balcony door. 

Ciao for now!
Put You On A Fredestal

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

21.01.20 - É a minha cara


This weekend saw further to-ings and fro-ings in East Anglia, as we went up to Bergh Apton for Rima's second birthday party, inflatable unicorns, see-you-Jimmy hats, various Casio keyboard jams and a staging of WWIII courtesy of Ossian and his many Nerf guns (that would necessitate an entire rack).  Then a pitstop at Isleham on the way back, and a cheeky toastie and film with dad.

Back in Brazil Gaby found a cat who was lost in our garage, and has taken him in while she tries to find a good home for him, despite Valente's raging fits of jealousy. He goes by the name of "Pudim", as of yesterday.

In other news I've made a brand new compilation, and my phrase of the day is "that's my face", which can refer to anything which you might be expected to do or like (as in, "I enjoyed the new film we saw yesterday, it's really my face").

Ciao for now,
Fred by Donkeys

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

14.01.20 - Mais que amigos: friends


I am in Cambridge for what will hopefully be the last leg of the great European startup adventure, and have settled in at Searle Street, rental bike and all, just in time to head to London this morning for a band meeting.  Also spent the weekend at Isleham after lunch with the grandparents turned into an all-night vigil following the temporary breakdown of their stairlift.

In between desperate bids for freedom I've made a particularly eclectic compilation, and my phrase of the day started out as an unintentionally silly redundancy used by vloggers in their Instagram captions ("more than friends: friends") and has since been adopted ironically. 

Speak soon,
Mais que amigos: Freds

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

07.01.20 - Água-viva

Hallooo, and may I add: Happy New Year!

We had a lovely time in Ilhabela, ringing in the roaring '20s with bubbly and fireworks on the beach, and even getting a few bonus days off before packing up the cat and heading home via a gruelling 8-hour traffic jam.  

Since then we've been taking it extremely easy, enjoying our last few days in the same country, eating a lot and - as of yesterday - getting back to the ol' Sock!t grindstone.

In other news I've made a new years' mixtape, featuring a song called "Água Viva" ("jellyfish" or "living water"), as I spotted a few floating around in the sea rather harmlessly. 

Hope all well and speak to you soon!