Tuesday, August 27, 2019

27.08.19 - Cavalo dado não se olha nos dentes


Since most of you are already here and are active participants in this blog, this is but a brief update for posterity's sake.  

We've covered a fair bit of ground in the past week, including trips to the Museu da Casa Brasileira (ft. awesome chocolate cake and antique commodes), the Football Museum, a street market for several pastéis, a tasting evening to finalise the wedding menu, our local pizzeria, and a night at t'footy.  And on Sunday we drove out to a rather idyllic ranch in São Pedro for an all-you-can-eat watermelon-caipirinha fever dream, ending in chicken sketches and hammock naps. 

Otherwise I've been down the compilation mines and bring you not one but two new'uns, plus a phrase of the day which is Portuguese for "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" - or "one does not look a given horse in the teeth", to be precise.

Onwards and upwards,
Hansel & Fredel

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

20.08.19 - Os humilhados serão exaltados


Quick note before you touch down in SP - not a lot to report this week, plenty of work and not enough sleep as I try and reconcile two time zones. 

On Tuesday night we went to visit our wedding bar suppliers and were plied with about 20 different cocktails -  I can't remember much from about one hour in, but as far as I know we decided on our menu.  Thursday was my first football-and-bar combo in a while, and on Saturday we went to see Gaby's grandma and "Once Upon a time in Hollywood", which was certainly something.

Otherwise I've been eating cheese and meat and mangoes and other things that were withheld from me in Switzerland, and making compilations.  My phrase of the day is the Portuguese for "the meek shall inherit the earth", or "the little guy will get his eventually", which comes up a lot when we discuss my work.

See ya soon!
Frod x 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

13.08.19 - Mas perdido que un pulpo en un garaje

Halloooo, and bom dia from Brazil!

I'm back after a monster 20-hour journey from foggy St. Moritz up to Zurich (the first half surrounded by picturesque valleys, the second surrounded by boozy football fans), then on to Lisbon and finally on to São Paulo.  Thank god for the Avengers and their incredibly long and time-consuming films, is all I'll say.

We went out for a lovely lunch on Sunday, and on to see Gaby's grandparents, and her aunt's dog's new litter of puppies, which was pretty great. This week we're nailing down various wedding issues, including an open bar tasting this evening which I'm rather looking forward to. 

I've made another mix, and indeed am mixing it up this week with a Spanish phrase which means "more lost than an octopus in a garage", amusingly enough.

See ya soon!
Frod Complex

Monday, August 5, 2019

06.08.19 - Mais perto os dentes do que as parentes


Lovely to see you at the weekend for a brief but nonetheless intense round of song, ceremony and lasagne in the valley of Erli.  Good to get out of my own valley too - the picturesque Bernina Express and second train past Lake Como were a nice bonus.  Enjoyed whizzing about in a car for a change too.

Otherwise we had half day closing for Swiss National Day on Thursday and my boss took us on a hike from Pontresina to a rather picturesque restaurant for fondue and open season on the desert table.  I told my "the flag is a big plus" joke AND my "how do you make a Swiss roll?" joke, which went down very well. 

Otherwise it's business as usual but I'm off to Brazeeel on Saturday, and I will see you there! Plus new compilation, etc, and the phrase of the day ("closer to the teeth than the parents") means you selfishly value personal personal well-being over that of your acquaintances, apparently.  Will wonders never cease.

Ciao for now,
Even Fredder Than The Real Thing