Monday, February 25, 2019

26.02.19 - Espírito de porco

Guten morgen!

I am in Berlin after a long but fairly uneventful couple of flights, holed up in my boss's rather stylish Charlottenburg pad.  I've had a cursory wander round the neighbourhood, which includes some rather cool cafés ("Zeit Für Brot"!) and misc. shops, and the weather is nice so far.  Looking forward to snooping around some more around work.

Prior to that we had a rather low-key week in S-to-da-P, what with Gaby recovering from her surgery - we had some friends over on Saturday for pizza, which is basically the first solids she's been allowed to eat in a week.  I gather Carnaval season is picking up, for what it's worth.

I've made another compilation, and my phrase of the week - "Spirit of the Pig" - refers to inconsiderate people who cause trouble just for the hell of it, as was the (unjustly-earned) notoriety of pigs in the olden days. So there's that.

Wir brauchen ein Zimmer!
Fred with Benefits

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

19.02.19 - Acertar na mosca


Hope you had a whizzy jolly time in England, and much birthday rejoicing.  

Over here we finally got Gabi's sinuses cleaned out during a gruelling 15-hour stay at a local hospital (well, not gruelling for me, I just watched a bunch of films), and are now in full-on recovery mode, which involves sitting around applying camomile tea compresses and serum from nose-syringes the size of bicycle pumps.

I'm also prepping my trip to Berlin, have made a new compilation, and my phrase of the week ("to hit the fly") means "to hit the nail on the head", in your culture.  

Speak soon!
Die Gedanken sind fred

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

12.02.19 - Fusca azul


Lovely to talk the other day. As I said, my prolonged bout of lurgee has led straight into the same for Gabi so we haven't been up to much of late, except for a birthday party last Thursday, frequent German lessons and prepping for surgery over the weekend.  

All I have to offer is this humble compilation, and my phrase of the day is a regional curiosity - if you see a blue Beetle (or "Fusca azul", as they're known here) on the road and are the first to point it out, you're allowed to give your travelling companion a whack on the arm.  We had a similar rule at the CIV but with yellow vehicles...  I also have a game where I point out every plane and helicopter I see, but no one engages me on that anymore.

That's all for now, will speak to you in Blighty on Friday!
Diving Fredder

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

05.02.19 - Oito ou oitenta


Hope all well over thar.  I've gone done with a baffling case of the lurgee but am taking all the right drugs, plus the unbearable heat has subsided a bit which is nice. On Friday we met up with Bruna, for the first time since her return from Blighty, for some wholesome karaoke fun, followed by a damn good truffle-infused pizza with Michelle and Vinicius the following night.  

Otherwise it's business as usual, lots of tidying, learning of German and flash floods, etc. I've made two new compilations, and my phrase of the day describes the kind of people who are "all-or-nothing" (or in this case, "eight or eighty").

Speak soon!
Things Can Only Get Fredder