Tuesday, March 27, 2018

27.03.18 - Esparrama-rodinha

Hello all,

Hope alles gut mit du.  This week everyone's talking about the live debut of our as-yet nameless band at a tiny rock bar down the road, which went rather well despite initial sound issues.  People seemed to like it, so we have agreed to expand our repertoire and try to get bigger bookings; watch this space!

Otherwise we've been swanning around the house and pool, continuing Gaby's DIY crusade, and checking out a rather cool communal food-truck-y place that's just opened nearby.  I've made another two compilations, and my phrase of the week refers to "(s)he who disperses the wheel", a "wheel" being an informal circle of people chatting.  Captain Buzzkill, basically.

Speak soon, David Lynch's 'Dune'
Freddy Lamarr

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

20.03.18 - Passar roda

Tally-ho, pip pip and Bernard's your uncle,

Hope all well over there, in the midst of the birthday season.  Over here we've been furiously redecorating, as you know - drafting Gaby's uncle in to put in yet more spotlights, getting the balcony windows up, installing storage cupboards and taking delivery of a new sofa to boot. Valente is exhausted from having to inspect all the new people and objects entering the house, for our security.

I've also been jammin' with the band ahead of our inaugural gig on Saturday, and hanging out with Doug (Ridaut's American Airlines pal) who was in town for some kind of freight conference and joined us for a fancy Speranza pizza and football/beer the next evening.  We also ventures east on Saturday night for Bruna's birthday party, which featured plentiful cake.

I've thrown together a compilation, and the phrase of the week - "to spread the mop around" - is a euphemism for when people of loose morals and disposition end up pursuing anything with a pulse. I thought it was quite a vivid turn of phrase...

And on that note, speak soon!
Frodd Future

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

13.03.18 - Não procure pêlo em ovo


Lovely to chat yesterday; as you may be aware not much has happening of late apart from plenty of work and lettuce.  

Gaby officially became a MASTER (of the universe) on Friday after a spirited defence at PUC in front of her mentors and family, so now she's very happy and slightly adrift in a post-higher-education world.  I had another band practice which went better than last time now that I know most of the songs and my voice has gotten its act together - we've got one more get-together on Saturday and then a gig the weekend after that, so fingers crossed.

In the meantime, have another two compilations, and a phrase of the week which means "don't look for problems where there aren't any", or as they say here, "don't look for fur in eggs".  Sound advice, I'm sure you'll agree.

Ciao for now,
Fred, Shoulders, Knees & Toes

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

06.03.18 - Ég mun finna þig í fjöru


All quiet on the Brazilian front, as the rainy season sets in and we shall be forced to camp. 

On Saturday I went to a rehearsal/audition with a band Gaby's uncle put me in touch with.   The studio is professional-level and they seem like a nice bunch, albeit stuck in the 70's - Crazy Little Thing Called Love (1980) is the most modern song I could coax out of them, although as the newbie I obviously didn't want to overstep the mark (I draw the line at Hotel bloody California though).  I'm going back next week and we have a gig on the 24th, apparently!

Otherwise it's business as usual, plenty of lettuce, two more compilations, and an Icelandic phrase of the week which translates as "I will find you on the beach", and means "I will have my revenge on you" (one of many from this rather amusing page). 

Speak soon!
Fred Runner 2049