Tuesday, October 1, 2019

01.10.19 - Dessa água não bebereis


Bit behind today what with trying to launch a tech behemoth literally with two people in a spare room, but here goes. 

The platform is going from strength to strength, with a few relatively big names getting involved, and not always at our own personal beseeching.  Life is still pretty rubbish here in the valley, especially when the wafts of cow dung get too much to bear, but I'm away to Zug to see Alex at the weekend which'll make for a nice change (probably, I mean it might be the exact same landscape as here...)

I've made another compilation, and my phrase of the day is one from your time in Brazil, meaning "I'll not drink from that water" - apparently it gets used a lot when you swear off doing something ever again, only to do it over and over again (the so-called "post-'I'll not drink from this water' tsunami").  

Ciao for now,
Fred & Butter

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