Tuesday, October 29, 2019

29.10.19 - Jogo de cintura


You join me in the final throes of The Great Swiss Experiment, which cannot end soon enough as far as I'm concerned.  In but two days time I'll be whisked out of this godforsaken valley and into the bustling metropolis of London, if only for a few days, there to meet with Gaby and readjust to society. Mine's a fish and chips!

I've been wiling away the hours until my escape by climbing hills and getting irrationally angry at church bells ringing, plus I made not one but two new compilations and my phrase of the day ("the waist game"!) means to be adaptable to all sorts of situations. I haven't had cause to use it but found it amusing, such as would help and comfort a Wedged Bear in Great Tightness.

Speak soon, and London here I come!

Monday, October 21, 2019

22.10.19 - Cabra de peste


Business as usual in Switzerland, now with added rain and a slightly modified bus timetable.  

I managed to work from home all last week, which was fine until I started to get serious cabin fever, and had to get out and climb up both sides of the valley for good measure. 

On Saturday there was a funeral in the village and I saw more people walking the streets in five minutes than I have in the rest of the five weeks I've spent here. And the church has been ringing its bells so often that I've been tempted to go and knock on the door to complain (7am on a Sunday for god's sake! I'm not even supposed to flush the toilet after 10pm...)

Anyway I'll be out of here soon, and I've got an interview tomorrow afternoon!  In the meantime I've made a compilation that tails off into some pretty wild jazz (be warned), and my phrase of the day means "plague goat", i.e. someone who stands up to a great deal of trials and tribulations without flinching. 

Ciao for now,
Don't Fred the Small Stuff

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

15.10.19 - Bananeira que já deu cacho


Another completely unremarkable week in the mountains, although my boss is now off on some crazy desert adventure in Morocco so we will hopefully have a bit more leeway during the week (although we're still expected to commute in to his flat every day at dawn for some reason).

I climbed up a mountain again, did some shopping and laundry, communed with some sheep for a bit, applied to a whole lotta jobs in São Paulo, nailed down our trip to London next month, and otherwise marked time.  

Got a new compilation in the works, and my phrase of the day means a "banana tree that's already sprouted" - apparently they only sprout once, so it basically applies to fruitless (ho ho) projects that aren't worth pursuing anymore. A propos of nothing...

Speak soon,
Fredding Water

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

08.10.19 - O pássaro que come pedra sabe o cu que tem


Hope all well witchu.  I finally managed to leave my 2-square-mile patch on Friday night, eloping to Zurich in the dead of night via several trains and tunnels to meet up with Alex and see the sights - there wasn't a lot going on other than the (mostly- sold-out) Zurich Film Festival, but it was still wildly more entertaining than S-chanf, and had actual people on the streets, restaurants, etc.

We took a funicular up to the university to check out the view, then back down for a burger, quickly sidestepped a far-right march which had lured us in with oompah music, and on to Zug, which wasn't nearly as provincial and tiny as I'd been led to believe. We went to the cinema to watch Ad Astra (which was alright as Sad-Men-in-Space movies go, but I'd much rather have been watching either Space Odyssey or Apocalypse Now), checked out the aviaries and the town museum (which included plenty of armour and had an exhibition on Switzerland during the Cold War), then I headed back after a farewell pizza to do my washing.

Since then I've been back to work and back to the job hunt, with ever diminishing returns, but who knows what the future holds eh.  I've made another compilation (including a novelty Cold War-era hit by Louis Prima which I heard in the museum), and the phrase of the week is one I learned together with you in Ilhabela: "the bird who eats rocks knows the *ssh*le he has". All rather visual really.

Ciao for now,
(A Fish Rots) From the Fred Down

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

01.10.19 - Dessa água não bebereis


Bit behind today what with trying to launch a tech behemoth literally with two people in a spare room, but here goes. 

The platform is going from strength to strength, with a few relatively big names getting involved, and not always at our own personal beseeching.  Life is still pretty rubbish here in the valley, especially when the wafts of cow dung get too much to bear, but I'm away to Zug to see Alex at the weekend which'll make for a nice change (probably, I mean it might be the exact same landscape as here...)

I've made another compilation, and my phrase of the day is one from your time in Brazil, meaning "I'll not drink from that water" - apparently it gets used a lot when you swear off doing something ever again, only to do it over and over again (the so-called "post-'I'll not drink from this water' tsunami").  

Ciao for now,
Fred & Butter