Tuesday, September 17, 2024

17.09.24 - Cadeirada


Hope all well, and lovely to speak the other day.

We've been battling record-breaking pollution and dry spells, but ventured out at the weekend to a kid's birthday party complete with ziplines and a magic show, and have invested in a humidifier, so all is well.

I've made another mixtape, and in happier news Pablo Marçal, who has leveraged his career as an "aspirational influencer" and scammer of the elderly to become a frontrunner in the São Paulo mayoral election, took a chair to the head (or a "cadeirada", as it was quickly dubbed here) in Sunday's debate. Obviously violence is never the answer in these instances, except maybe in this one specific instance...

And that's about it for now - speak soon!
Frod x

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