Tuesday, August 13, 2024

13.08.24 - Alegria compartilhada é alegria redobrada


Hope all well!

It's been unusually cold over here so we've mainly been huddled together for warmth in our draughty house, although we did brave the rain on Friday night to see Forfun, one of Gaby's favourite teenage punk-pop bands, play a huge comeback gig at the Allianz Parque, which was good clean healthy fun (although it did go on for hours, and they had a lot more reggae in their back catalogue than I anticipated). I'm taking her to see the Smashing Pumpkins in November as part of our cultural exchange...

We also went to Indaiatuba at the weekend, and on to Claudio's for a barbeque and the Olympics closing ceremony. In other news, I've made another compilation, and my phrase of the week comes from a Forfun song which itself cites a Swedish proverb (?) along the lines of "joy shared is joy doubled (and sadness shared is sadness halved)". Excuse my poor Swedish!

And that's about it - speak soon...

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