Tuesday, June 4, 2024

04.06.24 - Pagar mico


Gaby is off in the Highlands, and I'm holding the fort back home before heading off myself on Friday, over the Andes to Santiago, Chile - should be good! 

I've also had my first translation job come through (thanks to an assist from Jub!) so I've been getting on with that in my spare time, and went for a wander round town on Saturday morning including a visit to the MASP and its Francis Bacon exhibition, which was as cheery as you'd expect. 

Elsewhere I've made a new compilation, and my phrase of the day, "pagar mico", means "to pay the monkey", or "to make a fool of oneself". It apparently comes from an animal-themed card game where the monkey card is the losing card, but the less context the better as far as I'm concerned. 

Speak soon!
Fredtime story

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