Tuesday, April 30, 2024

30.04.24 - Briga de cachorro grande


Hope all well, and thanks for your birthday wishes/song! We're just back from a lovely weekend in the heartland of Minas Gerais, having impulse-booked a trip the week before...

We stayed in a guesthouse on an amazing estate in a valley somewhere near the São Paulo border, just down the road from the tiny town of Passa Quatro, which had a working steam train, countless cheese shops and a spring funfair and food festival which was in full swing over the weekend, with everyone dressing up in their cowboy best. 

On Sunday morning we got the train up the hill to a tunnel which was apparently a bloody, strategic stronghold in the São Paulo Independence War of 1932, then back for a huge amount of pit beef and rice, then went to the next town over for a short hike to the Poço Azul, a Gorges du Loup-esque river and series of waterfalls. All accompanied with great (and absurdly cheap) food and country & western music.

We got a bit lost looking for food on the way back and almost totaled the car on a dirt track, but at least the view was amazing. Then it was a straight run back to the smog of the city, where we're already fighting with our neighbours about their increasingly loud dog.

In other news, I've made another compilation, and an "old man" mix for Instagram, and my phrase of the day means "a fight between big dogs", i.e. one you don't want to get involved in. And that's about it for now!

Speak soon,
Fred Wine Supernova

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