Tuesday, November 6, 2018

06.11.18 - Piada de tiozão


Hope all well.  We've been bedridden for most of the week with various ailments which are just about cleared up now, but we made it out on Saturday for a degustação, an unexpected bonus of the wedding-planning process where suppliers invite us to eat all their food for free.  In this case it was a desserts company, although it wasn't as fun as I thought it would be, and by the 20th consecutive sweet we were stuffed and wired on sugar.

Elsewhere we had a band meeting ("present") to discuss future engagements and potentially change our usual rehearsal time, I couldn't stop scoring at the footy, made a new compilation, and read an interesting article about dad jokes, or "piada de tiozão" ("uncle jokes") as they're known here...

Think that about covers it.  Speak to you soon!
Fred Weight

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