Tuesday, July 30, 2024

30.07.24 - Mais antigo do que andar pra frente


Hope all well. We are back in Brazil after another fun week in Buenos Aires... 

I spent a few days wandering around town while Gaby was at her conference, checking out all the touristy spots and cool hangouts in Palermo and Puerto Madero, then had a few days of work (booo). 

On Saturday I went to the eco park by the river before succumbing to a nasty cold, so Sunday was spent mainly packing and recovering, then we headed home on Monday night. 

In other news I've made another playlist, and my phrase of the day means "older than walking forwards", which applies to anything which is, well, really really old. 

And that's about it! Speak soon,
Freddy Wap

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

23.07.24 - Boca de sacola

Hallloooooo from foggy Buenos Aires! We are about halfway through our jaunt south of the border, and are having a lovely time in the Paris of Latin America... 

Having arrived on Thursday, found our Airbnb (at the top of a huge tower block, with a heated pool on the top floor!), got to grips with the weird Monopoly money they have here and met up with Martin from the local Sherlock office who gave me some pointers from a nearby bar, we set out into San Telmo and its endless antique shops, markets, impromptu tango performances and dulce de leche ice cream.

On Saturday we hit the port first thing and took a ferry to Colonia del Sacramento in Uruguay, for an awesome lamb lunch and a chilly stroll around the old city streets, then back for a trek through the shopping district and back for empanadas. On Sunday we checked out Palermo, ended up in a petting zoo surrounded by giraffes and flamingos, had lunch under a train line and generally wandered around a rather hip and happening neighbourhood drinking Aperol Spritzes until it was time to go home. 

Yesterday we did more random strolling around San Telmo, and went to trendy  Recoleta for drinks in a secret bar under a florist, followed by huge plates of pasta and a photoshoot by the Obelisk. Today Gaby starts her psychologists convention in Puerto Madero, and I'm going to keep wandering around as the weather gets progressively worse - wish me luck!

Overall we've been pleasantly surprised by how walkable and safe the city is compared to São Paulo. Great food, nice people, and not hugely touristy either, despite the inevitable Brazilian contingent. Long may it continue! 

No compilation this week, except for this one I made for Instagram about the Olympics, and my phrase of the day means "bag mouth" and refers to people who can't keep quiet - basically, any gust of wind and they'll start flapping!

Speak soon,

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

16.07.24 - Calado, é um poeta


Hope all well. We're gearing up for our trip to Buenos Aires on Thursday, but in the meantime have been out and about at Bruna's for Friday night burgers and board games, then to Bea's for her birthday party / pizza and karaoke free-for-all on Saturday, then the movies on Sunday to get over the Euro 2024 blues. 

In other news I've made another compilation, and my phrase of the day means "when he shuts up, he's a poet", and is used as a backhanded compliment along the same lines as "face for radio", etc. And that's about it for now!

Speak soon,
Fred Rum

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

09.07.24 - Leite com pêra


Hope all well! 

We were over in Indaiatuba this weekend with Zila, Luiza and Gabriel in tow, catching up with the cats and briefly playing football in the park until the midday sun got the best of us. 

Elsewhere I made another compilation, and reposted my infamous "eating pizza wrong" video on Instagram, leading to another tidal wave of vitriol in the comments section - from whence my phrase of the day, "leite com pêra" or "pear with milk", which is shorthand for someone who's a bit wet behind the ears and has no real-world experience. 

And that's about it - speak soon!

PS: new Cote d'Azur hiking route has just dropped, apparently!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

02.07.24 - Tão feio que faz pipoca assustando o milho


Hope all well. 

It's taken a turn for the chilly here in São Paulo, so we marked the occasion by going to Bruna's family house in the mountains to eat fondue, followed up by a huge cauldron of feijoada the next day - so a pretty perfect weekend all told!

Elsewhere there's a new compilation in town, plus another one about apology songs which I did for Instagram, and can be found here; and my phrase of the day is a spectacular Brazilian turn of phrase about someone who's "so ugly he makes popcorn by startling the kernels". So there's that. 

Speak soon!