Tuesday, October 15, 2024

15.10.24 - Cantar a bola


Hope all well with youuu. 

We've been moving and shaking a fair deal this week as Gabi got the keys to her new office (albeit with no power at the moment, along with half the city) and started drawing up plans for furniture, etc, plus we went for a family barbeque at Susy & Eduardo's, followed by a brief trip to Indaiatuba. 

In other news I've made another compilation, and my phrase of the day means "to sing the ball", a phrase derived from snooker if I'm not mistaken, which means to call out in advance what's going to happen (often used in a "I told you so" context).

And that's about it so far this week - speak to you soon!
Frod Only Knows

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

08.10.24 - Solvitur ambulando


Hope all well, and v. excited you're booked to come over! Work is pretty hectic round these parts, hence the late-in-the-day email, although we had a nice relaxing weekend pottering around the house, learning new recipes and going to Taynah and Rafa's Peppa Pig-themed baby party, for our annual catch-up. 

Here's a new playlist which, full confession, I haven't had time to listen to in full yet; and my phrase of the day is "a Latin phrase which means "it is solved by walking", referring to an anecdotal, practical solution to a seemingly complex philosophical problem" (source: Wikipedia).

That's about it for now, speak sooooon.
Fred Ringer for Love

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

01.10.24 - Quem não é visto não é lembrado


Hope all well, and a very good morning to Billie Joe Armstrong, who's just woken up

We've had a busy week, starting with being called to audition for an ad campaign in Pinheiros along with a bunch of other gringos in suits (not sure why they were casting for English speaking actors in São Paulo; probably cheaper I guess), then to a fancy party thrown by Sherlock for journalists and influencers - none of whom I really knew but fun was had regardless. 

And then over the weekend we saw some friends, ate some nice food and went to the Horto for a run - we didn't even have time to go to the annual air show down the road! Finally, yesterday I sat for 5 hours in a government building to renew my foreigner ID, which was distinctly less fun but had to be done...

In other news, I've made a new compilation, and my phrase of the day means "he who is not seen, is not remembered", which is straightforward enough I suppose. 

And that's about it, I think! Speak soon,
Wake Me Up When September Freds

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

24.09.24 - Não é assim que a banda toca


Hope all well witchu. 

Over here, in between visits to tiny apartments, we headed off to the seaside on Saturday, as Ridaut was booked to give a talk about creating Senninha in the midst of a sprawling cosplay and geek culture festival in Santos, which was rather surreal and full of excellent fancy dress. Then we went for a nice lunch on Sunday, and minimal downtime before getting back down to it on Monday.

Elsewhere I've made another canon compilation, and an extra one for the International Day of Peace; and my phrase of the day is "that's not how the band plays", meaning "that's not the way things are going to be", usually deployed as a rebuke. 

And that's about it for now - speak soon!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

17.09.24 - Cadeirada


Hope all well, and lovely to speak the other day.

We've been battling record-breaking pollution and dry spells, but ventured out at the weekend to a kid's birthday party complete with ziplines and a magic show, and have invested in a humidifier, so all is well.

I've made another mixtape, and in happier news Pablo Marçal, who has leveraged his career as an "aspirational influencer" and scammer of the elderly to become a frontrunner in the São Paulo mayoral election, took a chair to the head (or a "cadeirada", as it was quickly dubbed here) in Sunday's debate. Obviously violence is never the answer in these instances, except maybe in this one specific instance...

And that's about it for now - speak soon!
Frod x

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

10.09.24 - Um dia da caça, outro de caçador


Hope all well, and good to chat/sing t'other day. 

We've been plotting our next moves in the real estate and influencer spheres while having nice lunches in the mountains and trying to make gin and tea cocktails, with limited success. All against a backdrop of fairly apocalyptic smog from the recent "controlled burns" across the country. 

In other news I've made a new mix, and my phrase of the day translates to "one day as the hunted, the next as the hunter", and more or less means "you win some, you lose some". 

And that's about it for now - speak soon!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

03.09.24 - Pé-rapado


Hope all well. Not much to report here this week, just plenty of work followed by a trip to Indaiatuba for Adny's birthday and a nice lunch in São Pedro (where we once took you for watermelon caipirinhas!). And the podcast I appeared on is out, and in English, if you fancy a listen. 

In other news I've made another compilation, plus a Brazil-only playlist for Instagram, and my phrase of the day is "pé-rapado" or "scraped foot", which is used to describe people from humble backgrounds who tend to walk around barefoot. 

And that's about it for now - speak soon!